Praying Grandma is found guilty by a tainted DC Jury and given the largest fine in US history for a misdemeanor by an anti-Christian Muslim judge

Err what “standar did you use to come up with that 98%? Is 80 ok? Is 70 ok?

See, you spewed crap argument when you thought it was convenient. Now it came back to bite you at an inconvénients place.

As usual I doubt you would engage in honest debate and would spew some more nonsense.

2020 election results in DC:


Donald Trump



Joe Biden


are you still defending someone who admitted she broke the law? lol.
you are such an anti american.
When was that? Do you have evidence that some responsible official clearly identified him- or her- or it-self and told the Christian that she was not allowed to enter open doors?
Do you think they were giving them post Christmas invitations with their guns drawn?
The fact is she was charged and found guilty. It doesn't matter what the security said or did. It's over.
You're carrying on with this like you do over the supposedly stolen election.
Can't you see you're wrong? Admit it. It's not a game idiot.
It was not a jury of Christian peers. It was jury selected from a pool from a city whose voters vote 98% of the time for democrats. That is a biased and tainted jury.
Where does it say any jury has to be Christian?
No one has the right to state what religion the jury should be.
Do you really believe if the jury was stacked with god botherers the result would be different?

Biased and tainted my arse. She was guilty of forcing her way in and should have gone to jail. Stupid old bitch.
Do you think they were giving them post Christmas invitations with their guns drawn?
The fact is she was charged and found guilty. It doesn't matter what the security said or did. It's over.
You're carrying on with this like you do over the supposedly stolen election.
Can't you see you're wrong? Admit it. It's not a game idiot.
Democrats wickedly delighted to falsely charge Americans with trespassing on Jan 6 when the overwhelming majority of Capitol visitors that day did no such thing.
Laws suppressing the religious freedom rights of Americans are democrat, not legitimate.
she admitted she broke the law by tresspassing.
no one has the right to tresspass.

god you are stupid.
and anti american.
always defending right wing crooks
she admitted she broke the law by tresspassing.
Like the crooks forced a false confession out of Flynn, the democrat gangsters must have dishonestly convinced her that it is against the law to visit the Capitol without democrat permission.
Like the crooks forced a false confession out of Flynn, the democrat gangsters must have dishonestly convinced her that it is against the law to visit the Capitol without democrat permission.
prove it was forced, lying moooron.
you anti american hateful mooorons are so lazy and stupid, covering for right wing crooks.