Praying Grandma is found guilty by a tainted DC Jury and given the largest fine in US history for a misdemeanor by an anti-Christian Muslim judge

Nothing in your post hinted much less proved that the jury was “tainted”. It seems any jury that decides against your wishes is either tainted, illegitimate, illegal, leftist, savages, etc.

You spew nonsense in every post and are never there to defend them.
You seem ignorant of the many problems associated with tainted and biased juries.
You showed a pic of her illegally entering the capital yet you're defending that crime. You said she was praying but didn't show evidence of that.
She was accused of profiting off her silly grandstanding but you say she was innocently beatifying saints with a prayer book.

The fact is the prayer bullshit is just that. She was given an appropriate sentence but a stupid godbotherer nonetheless and you're still an old lying ratbag.
At what point on Jan 6 did entering the US Capitol become a crime? Has it always been a crime to enter the US Capitol? Is it still illegal today to enter the Capitol? Did the US government post signs or send out notices about the illegality of entering the Capitol?
I agree that Mark is an old lying fool. The ratbaggery index is high with this one.

So this old lady has to stay home for six months, and he thinks that she is being persecuted?
The greedy corrupt radical leftist Muslim democrat judge fined the elderly Christian woman more than $100,000 as if that was fair and just.
At what point on Jan 6 did entering the US Capitol become a crime? Has it always been a crime to enter the US Capitol? Is it still illegal today to enter the Capitol? Did the US government post signs or send out notices about the illegality of entering the Capitol?
Was she conceited of merely entering the capitol? If not you are continuing with your dishonest posts.
At what point on Jan 6 did entering the US Capitol become a crime?

As soon as they were told to not go in.
Has it always been a crime to enter the US Capitol?

I dont know but quite clearly they weren't there for choir practice you idiot.
Is it still illegal today to enter the Capitol?

Without permission , yes. Is it illegal to enter the WH? Yes.
Did the US government post signs or send out notices about the illegality of entering the Capitol?
They don't have to. That's why they have security there.
You're making feeble excuses trying to get that old ratbag godbotherer off the hook. The pic clearly shows her entering and you never said that until the pic was shown by the media. You kept it a secret like as if she was kneeling on the lawn spraying prayers everywhere.
She's no better than the rest of the ratbags you support. Lock the bitch up.
You could not dispute that your post did not explain how the jury was tainted so instead you merely repeated the same nonsense claim.
It was not a jury of Christian peers. It was jury selected from a pool from a city whose voters vote 98% of the time for democrats. That is a biased and tainted jury.
Was she conceited of merely entering the capitol? If not you are continuing with your dishonest posts.
Democrats have thrown the book at hundreds of innocent Americans, falsely charging them with breaking laws the SCOTUS has ruled they did not break.
It was not a jury of Christian peers. It was jury selected from a pool from a city whose voters vote 98% of the time for democrats. That is a biased and tainted jury.
Err what “standar did you use to come up with that 98%? Is 80 ok? Is 70 ok?

See, you spewed crap argument when you thought it was convenient. Now it came back to bite you at an inconvénients place.

As usual I doubt you would engage in honest debate and would spew some more nonsense.
Democrats have thrown the book at hundreds of innocent Americans, falsely charging them with breaking laws the SCOTUS has ruled they did not break.
As usual you could not answer a srtightforward simple question. You do not post honestly.