Poor Joe Biden has to give up another lucrative side job

you want to see wimpy, lets put trump back in the white house. "america first, i hate nato, i've got a business to make money from, I love dictators' would hardly be expected to support ukraine or taiwan
NATO nations are considering filing charges against Israel for war crimes and charging the US as an accessory. Trump was right to oppose the UN morons living like kings on US soil and sucking up US money while issuing stupid condemnations of righteousness and commending wickedness.
NATO nations are considering filing charges against Israel for war crimes and charging the US as an accessory. Trump was right to oppose the UN morons living like kings on US soil and sucking up US money while issuing stupid condemnations of righteousness and commending wickedness.

so you think the us should not be part of nato? yes or no?
why didn't they invade as soon as joe was president, *****? lol
Because they did not know what kind of a president he was and our navy was to busy dealing with terrorist and Iran proxy war you *****
China isnt stupid and if they decide to invade it they will . They are very good at waiting .
The reason Russia attacked Ukraine and threatens other eastern European nations is because of NATO. I think the world might be better off without NATO.

because of nato? lol.
you excuse putin's behavior with that pathetic excuse? wow