Obama promised fundamental changes to America - what changes was he referring to?

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
What did he have in mind? Tearing down statues? Seizing city blocks by leftist rioters seeking to form nations within big city limits in the US? Dismantling the police? Destroying voting securities in order to prevent disenfranchising illegal voters? Probably all the above and more. One major change that has become clear among leftist Democrats is their desire to rewrite the Constitution in order to do away with traditional American views and values to make room for leftist ideologies to be applied to all nations.

Obama did not light the anti-Constitution torch, he just picked up the flame in his turn to carry it for leftist enemies of American capitalism in his turn. Here is what American educational leaders have been preaching for decades:

Our Outdated Constitution | Hoover Institution Our Outdated Constitution

Our Outdated Constitution

How our founding document undermines effective government—and why we need a more powerful presidency.

Why is the nation so poorly governed? (Note: This was written at a time Obama was 'governing' even though the leftist author was obviously an Obama supporter) This is the question that we address in our new book, Relic. What we show is that the fundamentals of an answer can be traced to the Constitution—which, for all its admirable qualities, imposes a structure of government that has long been outdated, and is ill-suited to modern times.

Thursday, June 2, 2016 By: Terry M. Moe,
William G. Howell
Maturity and calm in the face of an economic crisis
Obama was a one-worlder opponent of American freedom and individuality, as is so common among Democrats today.


Globalists would like to end private property by 2030

In a new report from the Mises Institute, German economist Dr. Antony Mueller warns that our treasured individual liberty – and our real and personal property as well — are very much at risk. The playbook for abolishing property, along with liberty and even our own life decisions, is a 2016 tome published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) entitled, “8 Predictions for the World in 2030.”
What did he have in mind? Tearing down statues? Seizing city blocks by leftist rioters seeking to form nations within big city limits in the US? Dismantling the police? Destroying voting securities in order to prevent disenfranchising illegal voters? Probably all the above and more. One major change that has become clear among leftist Democrats is their desire to rewrite the Constitution in order to do away with traditional American views and values to make room for leftist ideologies to be applied to all nations.

Obama did not light the anti-Constitution torch, he just picked up the flame in his turn to carry it for leftist enemies of American capitalism in his turn. Here is what American educational leaders have been preaching for decades:

Our Outdated Constitution | Hoover Institution Our Outdated Constitution

Our Outdated Constitution

How our founding document undermines effective government—and why we need a more powerful presidency.

Why is the nation so poorly governed? (Note: This was written at a time Obama was 'governing' even though the leftist author was obviously an Obama supporter) This is the question that we address in our new book, Relic. What we show is that the fundamentals of an answer can be traced to the Constitution—which, for all its admirable qualities, imposes a structure of government that has long been outdated, and is ill-suited to modern times.

Thursday, June 2, 2016 By: Terry M. Moe,
William G. Howell
He was the best POTUS ever so suck eggs.
Heres a list of his achievements. Notice he stopped funding wall street with your money. You know, all those parasite republicans who demanded tax cuts and trousered the lot. Remember that?
Then Trump gave them more so let's not rave about wasting money idiot.
He was the best POTUS ever so suck eggs.
Heres a list of his achievements. Notice he stopped funding wall street with your money. You know, all those parasite republicans who demanded tax cuts and trousered the lot. Remember that?
Then Trump gave them more so let's not rave about wasting money idiot.
Obama had a lot to commend him with leftist Marxists in America and abroad:

He openly disrespected Israeli leaders.
He openly disrespected US border laws.
He openly disrespected voting integrity and security laws.
He openly supported global warming alarmism cult ideology.
He supported Muslim terrorists with millions of dollars in US treasury funds.
He traded Gitmo terrorists for the return of an American traitor to Democrat celebrations.
He unilaterally started a war with Libya.
He lied about how 4 American heroes died in Libya.
He championed murdering babies up until the time of birth and shortly afterward.
He made sexual perversion acceptable in American schools and institutions.

And much more
Obama had a lot to commend him with leftist Marxists in America and abroad:

He openly disrespected Israeli leaders.
He openly disrespected US border laws.
He openly disrespected voting integrity and security laws.
He openly supported global warming alarmism cult ideology.
He supported Muslim terrorists with millions of dollars in US treasury funds.
He traded Gitmo terrorists for the return of an American traitor to Democrat celebrations.
He unilaterally started a war with Libya.
He lied about how 4 American heroes died in Libya.
He championed murdering babies up until the time of birth and shortly afterward.
He made sexual perversion acceptable in American schools and institutions.

And much more
And I agree with all of that after his reasons were explained to me. You would too. .
Don't forget about those ring reaming priests you support if you want to mention sexual perversion.
And I agree with all of that after his reasons were explained to me. You would too. .
Don't forget about those ring reaming priests you support if you want to mention sexual perversion.
Prove it is I who support perverted priests and not yourself.
Prove it is I who support perverted priests and not yourself.
You attend church and very likely donate money. That regular attendance gives the signal to a paedophile priest you approve of his actions.

If you had any guts or brains you would stop going and tell him why.
But you won't because you think it will get you heaven and unique access to a god that doesn't exist.

Aren't you pleased you asked that stupid question.
I am. Ask another stupid one.
My church has never had a priest of any kind, much less a perverted one.
Ask yourself the question how do they live.
If your church doesn't pay money it's the only one in USA that doesn't. How coincidental. You lying pos.

But since you're ignorant to how they live, the check federal budget allowance figures for the clergy.
Yes idiot. The taxpayer pays the bludging ring reamers. The evangelists take off suckers like you to fund there jets and brothels.
Of course they hold a special little bank account that sends it straight to heaven, tax free. How so generous of them and nutters like you line up every week to get your silly blessings as a reward for getting screwed by religion.

You've picked the wrong guy if you want to debate religion. You are a compete ignorant novice and know SFA about the cult you are in.

It wouldn't matter if all those evil things were done by democrats, it wouldn't ring a bell with you about get screwed over. You're frightened of death and superstitious and will say and do anything to get to your fictitious bloody heaven bullshit.
What did he have in mind? Tearing down statues? Seizing city blocks by leftist rioters seeking to form nations within big city limits in the US? Dismantling the police? Destroying voting securities in order to prevent disenfranchising illegal voters? Probably all the above and more. One major change that has become clear among leftist Democrats is their desire to rewrite the Constitution in order to do away with traditional American views and values to make room for leftist ideologies to be applied to all nations.

Obama did not light the anti-Constitution torch, he just picked up the flame in his turn to carry it for leftist enemies of American capitalism in his turn. Here is what American educational leaders have been preaching for decades:

Our Outdated Constitution | Hoover Institution Our Outdated Constitution

Our Outdated Constitution

How our founding document undermines effective government—and why we need a more powerful presidency.

Why is the nation so poorly governed? (Note: This was written at a time Obama was 'governing' even though the leftist author was obviously an Obama supporter) This is the question that we address in our new book, Relic. What we show is that the fundamentals of an answer can be traced to the Constitution—which, for all its admirable qualities, imposes a structure of government that has long been outdated, and is ill-suited to modern times.

Thursday, June 2, 2016 By: Terry M. Moe,
William G. Howell
Leftist elitists are concentrated in the Democrat party like flies on dung. Obama did not invent the one-world philosophy, he was groomed to preach their one-word gospel by one-word planners who would have never set him up for the job if they thought he would let them down. UN planners despise national patriotism, national independence and individual rights. Liberal elitists believe all people belong to the central government governing all people 'for their own good' and overseen by selected woke elitist fascist 'human-gods' who must bear rule with a rod of iron to maintain control. Here is what O-W elitist fascists think about American's private ownership of property:

Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.”
Alex Newman Explains UN Agenda 2030 Behind Farming Restrictions (theepochtimes.com)
Leftist elitists are concentrated in the Democrat party like flies on dung. Obama did not invent the one-world philosophy, he was groomed to preach their one-word gospel by one-word planners who would have never set him up for the job if they thought he would let them down. UN planners despise national patriotism, national independence and individual rights. Liberal elitists believe all people belong to the central government governing all people 'for their own good' and overseen by selected woke elitist fascist 'human-gods' who must bear rule with a rod of iron to maintain control. Here is what O-W elitist fascists think about American's private ownership of property:

Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.”
Alex Newman Explains UN Agenda 2030 Behind Farming Restrictions (theepochtimes.com)
Here is what UN elitists believe about American celebrations of independence:

Alex Newman Explains UN Agenda 2030 Behind Farming Restrictions (theepochtimes.com)

The 2030 Agenda is a plan of action devised by the United Nations (U.N.) to achieve 17 sustainable development goals (SDG). The goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development were adopted by all UN member states in 2015.

Then-Secretary General of the U.N. Ban Ki-moon called the 2030 Agenda “the global declaration of interdependence,” (pdf) Newman said in a recent interview on EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program.

“In my opinion, [it] was a direct swipe at our Declaration of Independence … So instead of being independent nations, we will all be now interdependent.”

The 2030 Agenda “covers every element of human life, every element of the economy,” including global wealth redistribution not only within the nations but also among the nations, Newman commented. The Agenda “specifically says that we need to change the way that we consume and produce goods,” he added.
Obama was a one-worlder opponent of American freedom and individuality, as is so common among Democrats today.


Globalists would like to end private property by 2030

In a new report from the Mises Institute, German economist Dr. Antony Mueller warns that our treasured individual liberty – and our real and personal property as well — are very much at risk. The playbook for abolishing property, along with liberty and even our own life decisions, is a 2016 tome published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) entitled, “8 Predictions for the World in 2030.”
Obama was mature and intelligent and restored confidence.

I know you Republicans love drama and hate
Obama was mature and intelligent and restored confidence.

I know you Republicans love drama and hate
I did not oppose Obama because he was a Democrat but because he supported anti-American policies in keeping with the anti-American UN global agenda, among other negative things.