inyour earlier example of the kid stealing the candy he was obviously not naturally able to know that this was wrong. the liar rationaizes it away routinely.
the abused kid can honor his parents role even if their acts do not reflect right from wrong.
hell not working for you ? then repent and try to do better for love. if you cant get past doing it for love of God then do it for Gaia or Krishna or whatever.
you having some education in socialwork should now this is not natural in everyone's heart.
I beg to differ! The kid who stole the candy KNEW it was wrong. . .have you ever watched a kid steal a candy? He will not do it openly, he will sneak around (although most adults can figure out what he is doing), and hide to eat it, and if confronted and asked if he stole the candy. . . he will probably try to deny it at first!
Why do you think that is? Because he knows that there is "something" wrong about taking the candy without approval from his parents. . .
The abuse kid can "honor his parents role?" Are you for real! That is exactly what an keep too many abuse kids from receiving help! They try to cover up, they don't want to believe their parents are bad. . .they are ashame!
And then, if they do not end up accepting that what their parents have done to him is WRONG, and EVIL, and that they deserve NO RESPECT, they risk to turn out into abusers themselves when they grow up!
Aren't you the one who stated " Respect needs to be earn," well, the "honor" referred to in the 10 commandments is basically "respect for your parents." And if a child is taught to ignore his inner knowledge that his parents beating him is WRONG, and not worthy of respect, he lives the rest of his life with that incongruency and may need a LOT of mental health (counseling, etc. ..) to not fall into the same behavior that he was told he should "respect" from his parents!
Dear, I do all these because my conscience and my personal relationship with my inner, universal God drives me to be as good a person as I humanly can. I do not need hell, and I do have a lot of love, both within me for others, and from a few others towards me.
It's amazing that you feel someone MUST believe and follow manmade dogmas to or risk to be a monster!
Do you realize how many people do NOT believe in ANY God, and are very decent, intelligent, giving people?
And do you realize how many people who call themselves Christians, or Muslims, are acting in evil ways that totally negate most of the 10 commandments?