Lying Biden and supporters despise abortion opponents in the US

And yet we see Capitol Police officers holding doors open for visitors on Jan 6. Has anyone been able to find any advanced notice from the Capitol staff that there would be no visitation at the Capitol on Jan 6 and, in fact, that Capitol policed planned to arrest and jail for months hundreds of visitors that day who dared to visit?

Lavrenz noticed barriers indicating the grounds were restricted when she and the group arrived at the Capitol building

she admitted she trespassed.
stop defending right wing thugs.
Lavrenz noticed barriers indicating the grounds were restricted when she and the group arrived at the Capitol building

she admitted she trespassed.
stop defending right wing thugs.
She must have cracked under democrat torture like Mike Flynn did.
you must have cracked when you were dropped on your head.

your attempt to defend her is stupid. lol.
you must enjoy looking stupid
You can fool deluded idiots but God and Christians know religious persecution when they see it.
When you're out of bullets, slip a bit of god into mate. That always works.

Are you referring to Yerba Maté?
Thinking something is true doesn't make it true duh
She trespassed
It's not persecution of any kind duh
Go ahead. Condemn Christians for praying and blame such condemnation on invalid laws against God. God will not be moved by such wicked foolishness and neither will Spirit-filled Christians.
Go ahead. Condemn Christians for praying and blame such condemnation on invalid laws against God. God will not be moved by such wicked foolishness and neither will Spirit-filled Christians.
nowhere did I condemn anyone for praying, lying *****.
its not illegal to pray, lying *****.

god you are as dumb as a box of rocks. lol
nowhere did I condemn anyone for praying, lying *****.
its not illegal to pray, lying *****.

god you are as dumb as a box of rocks. lol
Lefties condemn public displays of Christian convictions but do not know their intolerance of Christianity is the cause of their hatred because they foolishly imagine their animosity is simply a matter of honoring ungodly laws they think take precedence over God and the US Constitution.
Go ahead. Condemn Christians for praying and blame such condemnation on invalid laws against God.
She was not condemned by anyone for praying. The point being just like you, you think prayer is a cover for trespassing. There are no invalid laws against because the constitution has laws for god. Stop hiding behind your fucking god.

God will not be moved by such wicked foolishness and neither will Spirit-filled Christians.
Yes he will and he just has. There will be no retribution against anyone and you can pray forever and nothing will happen. You're full of bullshyt. Every time you get pinged you invoke god as your feeble doesn't work old man. Grow up.
She was not condemned by anyone for praying.
Summary democrat judgment: Grandma was arrested for praying at the Capitol after visiting hours were over. For that she needs to spend years in jail as an example to others who dare violate democrat laws and perversions of laws.
Lefties condemn public displays of Christian convictions but do not know their intolerance of Christianity is the cause of their hatred because they foolishly imagine their animosity is simply a matter of honoring ungodly laws they think take precedence over God and the US Constitution.
Right wing blather from a lying ***** lol