Christian rescued from the jaws of the Garland Gestapo

It apears leading Justice Department officials foolishly opted against a routine arrest of Koresh on the streets of Waco in favor of a theatrical show complete with dozens of heavily armed agents storming the building that was full of children as pre-arranged news cameras rolled.
Thee is no doubt that ATF was to blame for the disaster that happened at Waco. They was some mean redneck ossifers a-hankerin' fer a fight, I tell you what.
Thee is no doubt that ATF was to blame for the disaster that happened at Waco. They was some mean redneck ossifers a-hankerin' fer a fight, I tell you what.
Poor Clinton and cabinet. They got egg on their faces because morons in the ATF created the made for TV sh*t show fiasco instead of just arresting Koresh downtown where no children would have died.
Poor Clinton and cabinet. They got egg on their faces because morons in the ATF created the made for TV sh*t show fiasco instead of just arresting Koresh downtown where no children would have died.
Feel free to stop obsessing about the past
Or keep obsessing so I can keep laughing at u
Poor Clinton and cabinet. They got egg on their faces because morons in the ATF created the made for TV sh*t show fiasco instead of just arresting Koresh downtown where no children would have died.
Do you really believe the Clintons were involved in that!
You'll say anything to sheet the blame on a Democrat. You're a desperate old frigger.
Do you really believe the Clintons were involved in that!
You'll say anything to sheet the blame on a Democrat. You're a desperate old frigger.
Sadly for democrats, Clinton and gang could not blame Reagan for the incompetence of their own justice department officials whose botched arrest of Koresh led to the deaths of more than 2 dozen innocent children.
Sadly for democrats, Clinton and gang could not blame Reagan for the incompetence of their own justice department officials whose botched arrest of Koresh led to the deaths of more than 2 dozen innocent children.
Still stuck in the past lol