Lying Biden and supporters despise abortion opponents in the US

Persecuting Christians???
Is anyone else witnessing this?
You've overdosed on prayers. 4-5-24

71-Year-Old Grandma Convicted on All Charges by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on Jan. 6


@j6prayingrandma / X© The Western Journal

AWashington, D.C., jury convicted Rebecca Lavrenz of Falcon, Colorado, known on social media as the "J6 Praying Grandma," of four federal misdemeanor charges Thursday related to her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion of the U.S. Capitol.

The 71-year-old faces up to a year in prison and more than $200,000 in fines, the Colorado Springs Gazette reported.
Her crime?
Praying in the Capitol for 10 minutes on January 6th.
Werbung: 4-5-24

71-Year-Old Grandma Convicted on All Charges by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on Jan. 6

View attachment 14401

@j6prayingrandma / X© The Western Journal

AWashington, D.C., jury convicted Rebecca Lavrenz of Falcon, Colorado, known on social media as the "J6 Praying Grandma," of four federal misdemeanor charges Thursday related to her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion of the U.S. Capitol.

The 71-year-old faces up to a year in prison and more than $200,000 in fines, the Colorado Springs Gazette reported.
Her crime?
Praying in the Capitol for 10 minutes on January 6th.
She trespassed ***** that's a federal crime
You cover for republican thugs lololololol

You keep postingbthis as if it proves anything other than how desperate you are 4-5-24

71-Year-Old Grandma Convicted on All Charges by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on Jan. 6

View attachment 14401

@j6prayingrandma / X© The Western Journal

AWashington, D.C., jury convicted Rebecca Lavrenz of Falcon, Colorado, known on social media as the "J6 Praying Grandma," of four federal misdemeanor charges Thursday related to her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion of the U.S. Capitol.

The 71-year-old faces up to a year in prison and more than $200,000 in fines, the Colorado Springs Gazette reported.
Her crime?
Praying in the Capitol for 10 minutes on January 6th.
It's not persecution if they break the law, legal ***** lol 4-5-24

71-Year-Old Grandma Convicted on All Charges by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on Jan. 6

View attachment 14401

@j6prayingrandma / X© The Western Journal

AWashington, D.C., jury convicted Rebecca Lavrenz of Falcon, Colorado, known on social media as the "J6 Praying Grandma," of four federal misdemeanor charges Thursday related to her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion of the U.S. Capitol.

The 71-year-old faces up to a year in prison and more than $200,000 in fines, the Colorado Springs Gazette reported.
Her crime?
Praying in the Capitol for 10 minutes on January 6th.
The silly old bitch was there to demonstrate like the rest. Her pathetic excuse was she was praying for them. For who? The Magas of course.
She could pray from anywhere with the same result. Nothing.

Her arrest had nothing to do with democrats so piss off with your bullshyt.
She trespassed ***** that's a federal crime
You cover for republican thugs lololololol

You keep postingbthis as if it proves anything other than how desperate you are
Hateful atheist democrat cops: 'Stop right there, grandma. The Capitol is closed to visitation today or have you not been told? Did the guards who let you in not tell you that we intended to arrest and hold in solitary confinement for years everyone whom the guards allowed to enter today? On top of that you are in grevious violation of the US Constitution of separation of church and state by forcing your religion on untainted atheists in the building with your heinous atrocious blatant terroristic open praying, so turn around so we can frisk you, handcuff you, and haul your MAGA butt off to jail.'
Hateful atheist democrat cops: 'Stop right there, grandma. The Capitol is closed to visitation today or have you not been told? Did the guards who let you in not tell you that we intended to arrest and hold in solitary confinement for years everyone whom the guards allowed to enter today? On top of that you are in grevious violation of the US Constitution of separation of church and state by forcing your religion on untainted atheists in the building with your heinous atrocious blatant terroristic open praying, so turn around so we can frisk you, handcuff you, and haul your MAGA butt off to jail.'
no, she tresspassed. you trying to justify it by her age and religious actions is pathetic and anti-american.
inventing a fake dialog is really stupid, lying ***** lol
Hateful atheist democrat cops: 'Stop right there, grandma. The Capitol is closed to visitation today or have you not been told? Did the guards who let you in not tell you that we intended to arrest and hold in solitary confinement for years everyone whom the guards allowed to enter today? On top of that you are in grevious violation of the US Constitution of separation of church and state by forcing your religion on untainted atheists in the building with your heinous atrocious blatant terroristic open praying, so turn around so we can frisk you, handcuff you, and haul your MAGA butt off to jail.'
She deserved everything she got. The praying was bullshyt. She could have days before or after but chose to join the fray. She's not different to the other ratbags.
no, she tresspassed. you trying to justify it by her age and religious actions is pathetic and anti-american.
inventing a fake dialog is really stupid, lying ***** lol
Typical democrat sentence for looting, burning, throwing bricks and bombs at cops in 2020: Probation with acknowledgment that such example of civil unrest are important and necessary means to advocate for healing from the abuses of slavery.

Typical democrat sentence for visiting the Capitol without being told it was closed to visitation that day, with the added charge of praying in public: Two years in solitary confinement in one of the worst US dungeons in the most delapidated cities in the US, followed by a humiliating trial before hateful leftist juries and hateful a leftist judge with predermined guilty verdict handed down as planned followed by sentencing to 5 years of incarceration for violating the establishment clause of the leftist interpretation of the Constitution.
Typical democrat sentence for looting, burning, throwing bricks and bombs at cops in 2020: Probation with acknowledgment that such example of civil unrest are important and necessary means to advocate for healing from the abuses of slavery.

Typical democrat sentence for visiting the Capitol without being told it was closed to visitation that day, with the added charge of praying in public: Two years in solitary confinement in one of the worst US dungeons in the most delapidated cities in the US, followed by a humiliating trial before hateful leftist juries and hateful a leftist judge with predermined guilty verdict handed down as planned followed by sentencing to 5 years of incarceration for violating the establishment clause of the leftist interpretation of the Constitution.

democratic sentence? parties dont sentence people, legal *****.
the rest of your post is just legal stupidity and right wing blather. lol

you must enjoy looking stupid. lol
democratic sentence? parties dont sentence people, legal *****.
the rest of your post is just legal stupidity and right wing blather. lol

you must enjoy looking stupid. lol
Unlike democrats, republicans generally want all criminals judged by the same standard.
Unlike democrats, republicans generally want all criminals judged by the same standard.

you'll have to prove all of that, legal *****.

and based on your posts where you try to excuse a right wing thug based on her age and religious activity, you've made yourself look stupid. lol
Typical democrat sentence for looting, burning, throwing bricks and bombs at cops in 2020:
Why shouldn't they? You've forgotten Chauvin deliberately murder a black man who was handcuffed at the time. You racist old turd.

Probation with acknowledgment that such example of civil unrest are important and necessary means to advocate for healing from the abuses of slavery.
That's fine by me.
Typical democrat sentence for visiting the Capitol without being told it was closed to visitation that day, with the added charge of praying in public:
Bullshyt. She knew quote well why she was there so cut your lies old man. She was not charged with praying in public but trespassing and participating in a riot and encouraging more of it. You pompous godbotherers think your wishes should be obeyed as if she had divine right. She should go the way of Babbitt.

Two years in solitary confinement in one of the worst US dungeons in the most delapidated cities in the US, followed by a humiliating trial before hateful leftist juries and hateful a leftist judge with predermined guilty verdict handed down as planned followed by sentencing to 5 years of incarceration for violating the establishment clause of the leftist interpretation of the Constitution.
Good. Perhaps the mad old bitch might learn something but because she's a godbotherer, I doubt it.
With all the convictions surrounding j6, there must come a time when you admit to yourself you are wrong. You stand alone like a righteous pillar of society defending the republican right to crush all Democrat achievements in the name of god. Persue an interest to install fascism in spite of the constitution. Support some old bat shit crazy old bitch waving a Bible around as if that would do anything.

People's around the world look at USA and cringe at how fucking stupid you idiots are. Republican insurrections should be left for third world dictatorships. Not the greatest country on earth.
And old godbotherers like you inject god into the equation as a tool. Piss off.
Typical democrat sentence for looting, burning, throwing bricks and bombs at cops in 2020: Probation with acknowledgment that such example of civil unrest are important and necessary means to advocate for healing from the abuses of slavery.

Typical democrat sentence for visiting the Capitol without being told it was closed to visitation that day, with the added charge of praying in public: Two years in solitary confinement in one of the worst US dungeons in the most delapidated cities in the US, followed by a humiliating trial before hateful leftist juries and hateful a leftist judge with predermined guilty verdict handed down as planned followed by sentencing to 5 years of incarceration for violating the establishment clause of the leftist interpretation of the Constitution.
There were barriers around the Capital and police guarding them. It was obvious that the Capital was closed to visitors.
There were barriers around the Capital and police guarding them. It was obvious that the Capital was closed to visitors.
And yet we see Capitol Police officers holding doors open for visitors on Jan 6. Has anyone been able to find any advanced notice from the Capitol staff that there would be no visitation at the Capitol on Jan 6 and, in fact, that Capitol policed planned to arrest and jail for months hundreds of visitors that day who dared to visit?