Lying Biden and supporters despise abortion opponents in the US

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Biden is no God-fearing Christian. He is an unregenerate hypocrite who smiles and winks at Garland as his roving gangs of jack-booted Stasi fascist dogs arrest and jail grandmas for praying in public and for protesting on the street against abortion. Dozens of Christians have been brutally assaulted, arrested, and jailed for exercising their 1st amendment rights while Garland wimpily claims he has not arrested any of the crooks involved in more than 200 firebombings of pro-life centers because they did their evil work at night making it impossible for his incompetent detectives to find them. God-despising, corrupt and lying Joe Biden has the blood of millions of innocent babies on his filthy greedy hands. 6-6-24

Biden Puts Pro-Life Americans in Prison, Hasn’t Arrested Anyone for Firebombing a Pregnancy Center
Biden is no God-fearing Christian. He is an unregenerate hypocrite who smiles and winks at Garland as his roving gangs of jack-booted Stasi fascist dogs arrest and jail grandmas for praying in public and for protesting on the street against abortion. Dozens of Christians have been brutally assaulted, arrested, and jailed for exercising their 1st amendment rights while Garland wimpily claims he has not arrested any of the crooks involved in more than 200 firebombings of pro-life centers because they did their evil work at night making it impossible for his incompetent detectives to find them. God-despising, corrupt and lying Joe Biden has the blood of millions of innocent babies on his filthy greedy hands. 6-6-24

Biden Puts Pro-Life Americans in Prison, Hasn’t Arrested Anyone for Firebombing a Pregnancy Center

so you're in charge of judging christians now?
how arrogant.
Biden is no God-fearing Christian. He is an unregenerate hypocrite who smiles and winks at Garland as his roving gangs of jack-booted Stasi fascist dogs arrest and jail grandmas for praying in public and for protesting on the street against abortion. Dozens of Christians have been brutally assaulted, arrested, and jailed for exercising their 1st amendment rights while Garland wimpily claims he has not arrested any of the crooks involved in more than 200 firebombings of pro-life centers because they did their evil work at night making it impossible for his incompetent detectives to find them. God-despising, corrupt and lying Joe Biden has the blood of millions of innocent babies on his filthy greedy hands. 6-6-24

Biden Puts Pro-Life Americans in Prison, Hasn’t Arrested Anyone for Firebombing a Pregnancy Center

is biden in charge of investigating crimes happening in states? or are local and state authorities involved?
i am sure biden hasn't arrested anyone..period..for anything. lol

btw prove that no one has been arrested for 200 firebombings. this article doesn't say that.
sounds like yet another lie from you lol
is biden in charge of investigating crimes happening in states? or are local and state authorities involved?
i am sure biden hasn't arrested anyone..period..for anything. lol

btw prove that no one has been arrested for 200 firebombings. this article doesn't say that.
sounds like yet another lie from you lol
You can believe Biden loves God and Christians if you like in spite of the fact that his administration is jailing abortion activists for years for opposing Biden's murder the babies policies.
You can believe Biden loves God and Christians if you like in spite of the fact that his administration is jailing abortion activists for years for opposing Biden's murder the babies policies.
Abortion activists are often guilty of obstruction, defamation and abuse of pregnant women. Biden has arrested none of them, arrests of local crimes are not something presidents do.
Biden is no God-fearing Christian. He is an unregenerate hypocrite who smiles and winks at Garland as his roving gangs of jack-booted Stasi fascist dogs arrest and jail grandmas for praying in public and for protesting on the street against abortion. Dozens of Christians have been brutally assaulted, arrested, and jailed for exercising their 1st amendment rights while Garland wimpily claims he has not arrested any of the crooks involved in more than 200 firebombings of pro-life centers because they did their evil work at night making it impossible for his incompetent detectives to find them. God-despising, corrupt and lying Joe Biden has the blood of millions of innocent babies on his filthy greedy hands. 6-6-24

Biden Puts Pro-Life Americans in Prison, Hasn’t Arrested Anyone for Firebombing a Pregnancy Center
Joe Biden was not connected to their imprisonment or arresting anyone. You are bat shit crazy. You brain dead.
You can believe Biden loves God and Christians if you like in spite of the fact that his administration is jailing abortion activists for years for opposing Biden's murder the babies policies.
Why is Biden's religion and issue? Who gives a shit about your hideous god? Is that how you judge people.
If being religious makes someone a lying bitter old POS like you, why would they believe in supernatural deities.
You're completely bonkers.
Why is Biden's religion and issue? Who gives a shit about your hideous god? Is that how you judge people.
If being religious makes someone a lying bitter old POS like you, why would they believe in supernatural deities.
You're completely bonkers.
Biden realizes that his job is to lead the entire nation, not to support he teachings of his church.

Trump peddles bibles and never attends church, yet he orchestrated the Lily White Parade so that he could hold up a Bible upside down to convince he rubes of his alleged faith. And remember that he gassed legal protestors so that he could stage his wacko parade.

Re elect Biden, imprison Trump.
Abortion activists are often guilty of obstruction, defamation and abuse of pregnant women. Biden has arrested none of them, arrests of local crimes are not something presidents do.
Biden bcomes complicit in the crimes of his cabinet members that he does not restrain from persecuting Christians for exercising their religious beliefs.
Joe Biden was not connected to their imprisonment or arresting anyone. You are bat shit crazy. You brain dead.
Biden has the blood of millions of aborted babies on his hands in spite of the fact that he and his bootlick supporters think he shares no responsibility in the deaths of the innocent.
Biden realizes that his job is to lead the entire nation, not to support he teachings of his church.

Trump peddles bibles and never attends church, yet he orchestrated the Lily White Parade so that he could hold up a Bible upside down to convince he rubes of his alleged faith. And remember that he gassed legal protestors so that he could stage his wacko parade.

Re elect Biden, imprison Trump.
A vote for Biden is a vote for degeneracy and barbarism.
You can believe Biden loves God and Christians if you like in spite of the fact that his administration is jailing abortion activists for years for opposing Biden's murder the babies policies.
I believe you posted no proof to your claim... because you haven't lying ***** lol
God hates liars
The only people you can blame for abortions are the women who decide to have an abortion and their doctors.
NO ONE advocates any fetus be aborted against the will of the pregnant woman.

Women OWN their bodies, All humans own their bodies. So a woman has the right to not have a child. PERIOD.