Kamala's brand of Marxist equity: 'I redistribute your wealth, not mine.'

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Democrats are not about redistributing their own wealth but, instead, are like communist fascist dictators who seize the assets of their powerless people to service the greeds of their political friends and supporters.

One for all and all for one means workers will take home no more pay than non workers receive as gifts from government redistributions of the earnings of workers.

Child: When I grow up I want to be a socialist
Parent: You can’t do both

I didn't realize how cold it was outside today...
... until I saw socialists with their hands in their own pockets
Democrats are not about redistributing their own wealth but, instead, are like communist fascist dictators who seize the assets of their powerless people to service the greeds of their political friends and supporters.

View attachment 15418
One for all and all for one means workers will take home no more pay than non workers receive as gifts from government redistributions of the earnings of workers.

Child: When I grow up I want to be a socialist
Parent: You can’t do both

I didn't realize how cold it was outside today...
... until I saw socialists with their hands in their own pockets
View attachment 15419
I think you're already feeling Trump is defeated. So am I.
Jesus returns. Fuck off.
Jesus already told everyone when he would return. It is right there in the Bible. Mark 13: 30.
Jesus is supposedly God, a part of the weirdly described "Trinity".
Jesus told his disciples that he did not know the day or the hour on which he would return, that ONLY THE FATHER KNOWS.

So, one third of the Trinity does not know what another third does not? So Jesus' knowledge is INFERIOR to that of God the Father.
How does that even work? It certainly is not the official belief of Christianity, that claims that the members of the Trnity are somehow equal in their knowledge.

But then, Jesus, after he said that he was not sure when he's be back, said that he would return before the last of those with him has tasted death.

Tasted death? Is death somehow a FLAVOR? Is it really high on the Scoville factor, along with Carolina Reaper Chili pepper?

Surely everyone that Jesus had met with back in around 30 to 30 AD is dead by now, and Jesus did not return.
Paul told his followers that Jesus was coming so soon, it was not even worthwhile to get married.

Just like Jesus, Paul was wrong. Jesus did not appear during Paul's rather long lifetime.

And still, fools like Mark think that Jesus is a-coming during his lifetime.