Kamala: I will lower drug costs by snatching patents from drug companies once I am in charge and I will set drug prices where I think they should be.

1xubv9[1].webp Israel has occupied their own land for decades.
....And, Jewish-folks and Muslims managed to live right "next-door", to each other, FOR LONGER THAN THAT!!!!
"The modern problems in the region result not from ancient hostilities but from the actions of modern governments on behalf of big business."

How ironic that....the Big Problem is....explaining all the benefits of Capitalism....to everyone-else.
Israel has occupied their own land for decades.
The West Bank and Gaza are NOT Israel's land.
Israel is in violation of the UN Charter and has been in violation for decades.

There are Israelis selling lots on West Bank land to Jews in New York to move to Israel and colonize land that belongs to Palestinians.
40000 dead ones disagree
War is hell. Germany could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives if they had only surrendered years earlier. The same is true about the violent Palestinian genocidal mass murderers. They should agree to stop trying to murder every Jew in the area and accept terms of peace. Otherwise the deaths of the innocent will continue because of their wickedness and barbarianism.
The West Bank and Gaza are NOT Israel's land.
Israel is in violation of the UN Charter and has been in violation for decades.

There are Israelis selling lots on West Bank land to Jews in New York to move to Israel and colonize land that belongs to Palestinians.
Yes, the land of Judea belongs to Israel. Americans may have stolen native American lands but Israel will not allow savages to steal their land.
War is hell. Germany could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives if they had only surrendered years earlier. The same is true about the violent Palestinian genocidal mass murderers. They should agree to stop trying to murder every Jew in the area and accept terms of peace. Otherwise the deaths of the innocent will continue because of their wickedness and barbarianism.
You excuse deaths of innocent people
You excuse deaths of innocent people
I do not. Such deaths are tragic. It is sad that some treat women as slaves.

Still I cannot see why a woman should not be able to control her own body. Self defense and control of ones body are essential components of individual rights.
The same is true about the violent Palestinian genocidal mass murderers. They should agree to stop trying to murder every Jew in the area and accept terms of peace.

How do you manage to be so WRONG, so OFTEN??!!!!
Legality Of Israeli Settlements
"Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, as well as in the Syrian Golan Heights, are illegal under international law."
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You excuse deaths of innocent people
Here is a couple logic questions:

say there is an ordinary substance that when ingested would terminate pregnancy. Should women be prohibited from taking such substances? Don’t women have the right to decide what to eat or not to eat?

Say a woman decides to refrain from eating altogether, resulting in her poor health and the termination of her pregnancy. Should she be forced fed?
it was a US law passed by both parties.
sorry if you dont like laws that you object to.
but your attempt to frame this like venezuela is stupid.
you must enjoy looking stupid.

When both parties agree on something it is usually bad for the country. You know like Iraq, Nafta, Patriot act, Joe Biden's crime bill?

I could give 2 shits what ideology somebody calls it.
When both parties agree on something it is usually bad for the country. You know like Iraq, Nafta, Patriot act, Joe Biden's crime bill?

I could give 2 shits what ideology somebody calls it.
Social security?

I take your point but most partisan bills are also bad for the country.
Yes, the land of Judea belongs to Israel. Americans may have stolen native American lands but Israel will not allow savages to steal their land.
If you have not noticed no one, if anyone, gives a damn about your religious beliefs. Please take your religious crap to a religious board. I suspect many here are not Christian. Why are you so rude to impose your religious views on others? Where are your Christian manners?
The Republicans were against Social Security and from 1936 to the 1960's they vowed to end it in their party platforms.
Rick Scott aka "Senator Skeletor" is still talking about how Social Security should be ended.

There have been both wise and unwise laws passed in both partisan and bipartisan votes. All that Congress passes is either one way or the other.

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