Kamala: I will lower drug costs by snatching patents from drug companies once I am in charge and I will set drug prices where I think they should be.

its flawed? how so? give the exact words of that verse that aren't flawed, and prove they aren't flawed.

and prove the OT only applies to ancient jews.

you always try to deflect and defend from your evil god. its sad.
God is clear. Sinners need God to correctly understand His clear words.
According to that err logic what god supposedly said to ancient Christians was meant for ancient Christians. Another Freudian slip?
All scripture is given to all Christians but old testament commands to Jews are not usually meant to be followed by Christians.
you know who else tortures(ed): us and Israel. Us torturing imo was a dark dark spot in us history.

Muslins are huge homophobes. I am not sure who is a bigger homophone, Muslims or Christian right? Being being homophobic is as stoopid as being racist. I can’t believe any thinking and rational human being be against gays or be racist.
Who is afraid of homos? Hardly anyone. The silly term 'homophobe' is used by leftists to unjustly belittle Christians who believe what God said about sodomites, even though Christians fear God, not sodomites.
So you think Harris is MORE moderate? Did you even read the post that you responded or is your ONLY motive is to be annoying? If the latter you are failing. Acting stoopid is not the same as being annoying.
Harris has been rated by fellow congressmen as the most liberal leftist in DC.
Overall excellent post. A few points:

I think you meant it in a neutral even positive fashion but being gay is not a “choice.” Or maybe I even misunderstood you.

Hating Israel is not the same thing as hating Jews. And hating Israeli policies definitely is not hating Jews. Israel treats Palestinians like animals. If they dig tunnels to fight back, I am ok with it. Think about it, why Israel does not allow independent journalists to enter Gaza? Israeli settlers have been murdering and brutalizing palestinians for years and we do not hear about it here. How are they supposed to fight back for their dignity and humanity?

romney said it right. Russia is our enemy. Ukraine is fighting our enemy. They are supplying their lives, we are supplying dollars. I think this is a good deal for us and we should be eternally indebted to Ukrainians.
To love Hamas is to hate Israel.

Well, apparently god himself sent Mohammad. And unlike bible that is basically hearsay, supposedly Koran is directly the word of god. It is not Mohammads words. directly the word of god. No interpretation no paraphrasing no speaking from memory. Directly word of god. So why would god do anything about Mohammad when god himself sent him? Hehe.
Mohammad invented the story about riding his half-ass donkey named Barack into heaven to beg Jesus to intervene on his behalf with God.
Mohammad received Allah's orders personally, but he never wrote them down, because, as every Muslim will tell you, Mohammad was illiterate. After Mo received his suras, which are in the form of poetry, he dictated them to his companions, who wrote eventually them down. But Mohammad lived in a society where there was no written tradition, he recited what Allah told him to others, who also spread the word orally. It is claimed that the Koran was safe from any changes by divine command.

There is a lot more evidence for Mohammad's existence than there is for that of Jesus.
The question as I see it is why would the Biblical character known as God have allowed Mohammad to exist at all, and convert nearly all of the Middle East to Islam?
Mohammad was a charlatan and monumental liar.
All scripture is given to all Christians but old testament commands to Jews are not usually meant to be followed by Christians.
Why do we need god when we have likes of you to tell us the truth about everything?

Last time you said a different version of the above, something like Old Testament was for the people of the time. That line of argument exploded in your face. You had no comeback at the time. And now you are back with a different version.

You would say anything if you thought it would help you at the time.