Kamala: I will lower drug costs by snatching patents from drug companies once I am in charge and I will set drug prices where I think they should be.

Biden moderate lol thats a good one hes about 3 naps and a ice-cream cone from being a socialist or commie
So you think Harris is MORE moderate? Did you even read the post that you responded or is your ONLY motive is to be annoying? If the latter you are failing. Acting stoopid is not the same as being annoying.
Especially during election time, race, abortion, LBGTQ etc is always used for their policies etc. For me it’s one’s choice. We live with our choices. In the 70s I was in first grade and went home after school on a Friday and started another school on Monday with blacks and whites. I always asked my parents as to why there were black sides and white sides at doc offices and other places. They taught me well and I was just fine in my school days. Saw prejudice from both sides. I have friends of both races and our reunions are together! Were there some that stated no? I told them, don’t come!
Still an issue today and always will be. Politicians use race which brings out the bad sides of it all. They treat people in a degrading way. They want people to think that way. That one is deprived!
Now, it’s an immigration issue. People in congress stated, we need people to pick our crops! Does not seem right, to me anyway.
War is cruel. Ukraine fighting a war and given equipment but can’t use it! Many have died there. No one states a word. If Ukraine attacked schools in Russia? What would people think?
Israel (Jews) has and always will be hated. Why? Religion? Race? Power?
Hamas built tunnels and caves underneath Gaza and no doubt used Palestinians to build it. What were they thinking when being built? The why? They knew why. No I don’t agree with the killings. The moment a cease fire is agreed upon which no doubt will be at or before election time. You know why?
And then Hamas will hit again! War is cruel! Just as Russia, China, Iran will not hesitate to attack. Iran will hit. An Al-Qaeda leader killed today in Syria by U.S. if one stops, the other is destroyed. It’s cruel any way it goes. If the tables were turned, would anyone care? Seems not!
Overall excellent post. A few points:

I think you meant it in a neutral even positive fashion but being gay is not a “choice.” Or maybe I even misunderstood you.

Hating Israel is not the same thing as hating Jews. And hating Israeli policies definitely is not hating Jews. Israel treats Palestinians like animals. If they dig tunnels to fight back, I am ok with it. Think about it, why Israel does not allow independent journalists to enter Gaza? Israeli settlers have been murdering and brutalizing palestinians for years and we do not hear about it here. How are they supposed to fight back for their dignity and humanity?

romney said it right. Russia is our enemy. Ukraine is fighting our enemy. They are supplying their lives, we are supplying dollars. I think this is a good deal for us and we should be eternally indebted to Ukrainians.
Overall excellent post. A few points:

I think you meant it in a neutral even positive fashion but being gay is not a “choice.” Or maybe I even misunderstood you.

Hating Israel is not the same thing as hating Jews. And hating Israeli policies definitely is not hating Jews. Israel treats Palestinians like animals. If they dig tunnels to fight back, I am ok with it. Think about it, why Israel does not allow independent journalists to enter Gaza? Israeli settlers have been murdering and brutalizing palestinians for years and we do not hear about it here. How are they supposed to fight back for their dignity and humanity?

romney said it right. Russia is our enemy. Ukraine is fighting our enemy. They are supplying their lives, we are supplying dollars. I think this is a good deal for us and we should be eternally indebted to Ukrainians.
I was just reading a Time article. Reading how Hamas came about and how the tunnels were built, I was curious. But that’s just an article. I guess we all will never understand it all and sadly it’s all life!
Some evil and some are just caught in the middle!
Russia is cruel indeed. I wish Ukraine could get deeper in but I have a feeling that’s when U.S. may be more involved because Russia blames U.S.!
China and Iran are as well. China will no doubt attack Taiwan.

An Al-Qaeda leader was killed in Syria stated on news today by U.S. Our turn is coming unfortunately. When? Who knows?

As far as for the gays, not for me to judge or decide. I have friends and a couple of family members that are.
The trans, I do not get at all so I’ll leave that along. But that’s my opinion.

God would be there for that human being. Our choices in life puts one in situations, not God. Not sure if I made sense.

Note that the story is that God dies on the cross or at least had a very hard weekend which involved death by crucifixion to spread his gospel. And then around 600 years later, along came Mohamad and he converted the entire Holy Land and what did God do? BUPKIS!

Then there was the Mongol invasion, the bubonic plague and the Holocaust and again, what did God do? ZILCH!

Did you make sense? No, not at all. But neither does the Biblical character known as "God".
God would be there for that human being. Our choices in life puts one in situations, not God. Not sure if I made sense.

Note that the story is that God dies on the cross or at least had a very hard weekend which involved death by crucifixion to spread his gospel. And then around 600 years later, along came Mohamad and he converted the entire Holy Land and what did God do? BUPKIS!

Then there was the Mongol invasion, the bubonic plague and the Holocaust and again, what did God do? ZILCH!

Did you make sense? No, not at all. But neither does the Biblical character known as "God".
Well, apparently god himself sent Mohammad. And unlike bible that is basically hearsay, supposedly Koran is directly the word of god. It is not Mohammads words. directly the word of god. No interpretation no paraphrasing no speaking from memory. Directly word of god. So why would god do anything about Mohammad when god himself sent him? Hehe.
Mohammad received Allah's orders personally, but he never wrote them down, because, as every Muslim will tell you, Mohammad was illiterate. After Mo received his suras, which are in the form of poetry, he dictated them to his companions, who wrote eventually them down. But Mohammad lived in a society where there was no written tradition, he recited what Allah told him to others, who also spread the word orally. It is claimed that the Koran was safe from any changes by divine command.

There is a lot more evidence for Mohammad's existence than there is for that of Jesus.
The question as I see it is why would the Biblical character known as God have allowed Mohammad to exist at all, and convert nearly all of the Middle East to Islam?
Mohammad received Allah's orders personally, but he never wrote them down, because, as every Muslim will tell you, Mohammad was illiterate. After Mo received his suras, which are in the form of poetry, he dictated them to his companions, who wrote eventually them down. But Mohammad lived in a society where there was no written tradition, he recited what Allah told him to others, who also spread the word orally. It is claimed that the Koran was safe from any changes by divine command.

There is a lot more evidence for Mohammad's existence than there is for that of Jesus.
The question as I see it is why would the Biblical character known as God have allowed Mohammad to exist at all, and convert nearly all of the Middle East to Islam?
I am happy to be corrected. Thanks.
I have tried to read the Koran (Quran, whatever spelling you like) several times, and it seems mostly to be gibberish, quite similar to the most gibberishy parts of the Bible. So I am not an expert on the Koran. Perhaps it is just a bad translation. Mohammad said that the Koran can only be understood in Arabic, and I am not willing to learn Arabic to read it.
I have tried to read the Koran (Quran, whatever spelling you like) several times, and it seems mostly to be gibberish, quite similar to the most gibberishy parts of the Bible. So I am not an expert on the Koran. Perhaps it is just a bad translation. Mohammad said that the Koran can only be understood in Arabic, and I am not willing to learn Arabic to read it.
adding to your earlier excellent post on koran, it is accurate to claim that the modern koran is identical to the original one?
adding to your earlier excellent post on koran, it is accurate to claim that the modern koran is identical to the original one?
Being as the Koran is considered to be super holy, and Arabia is a very dry place, the tradition was to use the Koran until it was hard to read, and the tradition was to bury old tired Korans. So there are apparently a lot of very old Korans available.
I googled "oldest Koran" and found this:

Apparently this was written pretty soon after Mohammad died.
Giggles is talking like she's a Marxist or commie.
Liberals suffer from trump derangement syndrome and The have butt hurt so bad it has affected their minds.
They are hurt so bad that they would elect people who screw the public and nation she don't care

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