Oh my fucking god. She is just designing herself to lose at this point. I wonder if they’re all in on it and the powers that be just want Trump back in at the White House. Or is Kamala really this stupid?
While I believe that dick cheney is a war criminal and should be at The Hague on trial for his war crimes along with the bush boy and a lot of that administration, our nation has decided to not hold them accountable for their actions.
Which I believe is very wrong and will only encourage more republicans to commit war crimes.
Liz Cheney voted for sexual assaulter trump's agenda 98% of the time while she was in congress. There isn't much that Liz Cheney and I agree on but the few things we do agree on are very important to me.
Democracy, preserving our republic, preserving our constitution and following it, almost everything our nation is supposed to be and sand for, I agree with Liz Cheney. She puts our nation first like all public servants are supposed to do. Those are just a few of the things that Liz Cheney and I agree.
What the Cheneys do is their business. Unlike you and the far right, I believe in freedom and liberty. I am not so arrogant that I believe I have the right to tell anyone how to vote. I will happily debate with them but everyone is free to make their own choices.
By the way, learn how to spell. When referring to more than one person or object there is no apostrophe needed before the S. That is only for when referring to possession. As in this is MusicLover's reply to your lack of knowledge of how to spell words in the English language. When you're referring to more than one Cheney it's spelled Cheneys.
Where were you when you were supposed to learn that basic fact of spelling the English language in grade school?
Or you are what I have believed all along? A russian troll with the only job being is to spread division and hatred in the USA and do all you can to get sexual assaulter trump elected. If so, remedial English Language and spelling books are your friends.
If not, you should be ashamed and embarrassed you don't know such basic facts about spelling and the English language.