Iran has 77 million people and no border with Israel. The only thing that is more absurd that the US actually invading Iran would be Israel invading Iran. Attacking Iran's petroleum industry would cause an immediate rise in gasoline prices.
Iran's leaders are unpopular with a lot of the population, but Israel is even more unpopular. Neither Iran nor the US want to be at war with one another.
Israel's invasion of Gaza has made Israel much more unpopular everywhere. It is hard to rally support with poor, mistreated Jews when the Jews have wiped out 40,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children and as of today, 2500 Lebanese.
I cannot recall any time where Israel has been in a worse position than the present. The big problem is what can they do with Gaza? What Palestinian would dare to join an Israeli-approved Gaza government?
Israel would love to expel the Gazans and resettle it with Jews, but there is no place where they could send 2.2 million Gazans.
Yeah, Israel has a right to exist. But the Palestinians have an equal right to exist. I don't see where my country pissing away billions of dollars of aid on Israel has been a good investment. There are plenty more people who need aid more than the Israelis, including American citizens living in the USA.