Jill and Hunter Biden fighting over whose turn it is to tell joe what to do and change the diaper

more of your "humor". lol. i'm sure your 12 year old friends think you are a hoot!
How many do you have friends that is I fear the number of young friends you have may exceed bidens

why do you say that? i'm not the person constantly posting content that would appeal to kids that age group? i mean..seriously..monkey pictures and diaper stuff? god that's such immature stupidity.
why do you say that? i'm not the person constantly posting content that would appeal to kids that age group? i mean..seriously..monkey pictures and diaper stuff? god that's such immature stupidity.
Lol according to who ?
Your the only stupid bastar@ here winning and crying about it like a baby when got his bottle took away Because you have no sense of humor.
Trump is the one that wears the diaper and poops himself daily, not Biden.
Will Vance have to rehearse changing Trump's diapers?