the annoying thing
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DOJ further acknowledges Hunter Biden's laptop is real, contents match Apple iCloud backups
The Department of Justice further acknowledges Hunter Biden's laptop is real in court documents filed Tuesday, alleging the contents matched what came from Apple backups.
We all recall how the bidens claimed the lap top was fake and had been tainted by russians . Well turns out that was all bull shat as if we did not already know.\
Experts bash White House claims of shrouding Hunter Biden’s art buyers: 'Proved as abstract' as his art
Legal and ethical experts weighed in with Fox News Digital on the recent revelations of Hunter Biden's knowledge of his art buyers by his gallerist, Georges Bergès.
Seems there was no agreement and hunter knew who got his art . Anoter tall joe and hunter lie.
Did you really expect themm to do it and tell the truth.

Live updates: The latest on Hunter Biden's first court appearance in his criminal tax case
Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty Thursday to nine federal charges for allegedly failing to pay more than $1 million in taxes and filing fraudulent forms with the IRS. Follow here for the latest live news updates.
Yes the man baby pleded not guilty to 9 federal charges with a max of 5 years .
Any one here think hes not guilty ?

Federal prosecutors oppose Hunter Biden's 'meritless' request to toss gun charges
Prosecutors said that “investigators observed a white powdery substance” on a brown leather pouch that held Hunter Biden’s firearm and that it was later identified as cocaine.

he man baby is trying to get the gun charges dropped . I wonder why the secrect service showed up at the gun store trying to take the records of hunter buying it . And of course we have the cocaine residue found on the holster.
Drugs and guns do not mix.
Man baby is scared big daddy can not help him and he is desperate.
Now this one would do him in and it shows where the money he screwed the goverment out of went
Also tells you something about the man babys morals and ethics/

Hunter Biden indicted on gun charges in special counsel investigation
Special counsel David Weiss Thursday indicted President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, in connection with a gun he purchased in 2018.
Yes the man baby could do as much as 25 years and a 750,000 fine
You can bet big daddy lying bidenwill help even with him saying he wont he lies allvthe time.