jd vance - incompetent weirdo, and second in line for potus if trump wins

Democrats almost with one voice insisted that no significant voter fraud occurred in 2020, yet have not offered facts and evidence to support those assumptions. Were voting machines examined immediately after the election for 'errors' like the one machine in Antrium county that got caught flipping thousands of votes from Trump to Biden? No. Have voting registries been cleaned of illegitimate names and examined for names of illegitimate voters who voted? No. Have addresses been checked for legitimacy? No. Have records been thoroughly examined for duplicate or muiltiple voting? No. Have voting records been thorough examined to reasonably prove that no significant numbers of illegal aliens voted? No.

What do democrats offer as 'proof' that no fraud occurred? They have the word of election officials and they have the results of multiple vote counts and recounts, none of which proves anything about the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the ballots being counted and recountged.
So you can't quote a single one, lying moooron lol
Lefties destroyed evidence, hid evidence, edited facts, refused to acknowledge facts, and fought like hell to prevent investigations into the many unrefuted cases of clear fraud, but they never disproved the facts that clearly showed major fraud occurred.
Prove it lying moooron
Looks like lots of liberal celebrities have been grabbing pussys and butt holes of men.
Yes but it's ok when liberals do it .
He never tried to overthrow the government .that's liberal scare tactics .speaking of cheating on taxes and raping women was hunter and Joe Biden accused of those same things. .And we all know Joe lies a lot
She stinks and shits himself have you been close enough to smell him please tell us all when you were .
I my Biden was stealing papers to for many years he had stashed all over his office in Penn and his home and garage difference is he was deemed not mentally competent by the investigator. She bis he or should he be prosecutor or is he special.
And how do you know he shits himself ?
Well now let's see your liberal PhD answer those questions.
Actually several people that worked on the Apprentice have said that Trump would shit himself and then they would have to stop recording until they had cleaned him up. From photos, we have seen that Trump wears pants that have no zipper.

He most certainly did attempt to prevent the Electoral votes from being certified.
Yes the waltz got his butt hand to him .
The incompetent weirdo as lug claimed cleaned his clock. So if a incompetent weirdo shalicked his butt what's that make him
Right wing moooron claims waltz got his butt kicked lol

Prove it

And Vance is creepy look at what he obsessed and lies about... Haitians eating pets. That is one creepy dude
Not only did he claim that Haitians were eating pets, he later admitted that this was a LIE, which he then claimed was somehow justifiable.
That is a DIRECT QUOTE! Trump said exactly that.
Eaxact quotes:

Left wing fact checker admits Trump never called Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’​


Joe Biden says he's built most extensive "voter fraud" org in history​


  • When asked about his change in position on an assault weapons ban, which he had opposed earlier in his career as a congressman but now publicly supports, Walz said: “I sat in that office with those Sandy Hook parents. I’ve become friends with school shooters. I’ve seen it.”
Actually several people that worked on the Apprentice have said that Trump would shit himself and then they would have to stop recording until they had cleaned him up. From photos, we have seen that Trump wears pants that have no zipper.

He most certainly did attempt to prevent the Electoral votes from being certified.
You can quote a million leftists falsely accusing Trump and that will still make their false allegations lies.
Eaxact quotes:

Left wing fact checker admits Trump never called Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’​


Joe Biden says he's built most extensive "voter fraud" org in history​


  • When asked about his change in position on an assault weapons ban, which he had opposed earlier in his career as a congressman but now publicly supports, Walz said: “I sat in that office with those Sandy Hook parents. I’ve become friends with school shooters. I’ve seen it.”
obviously he misspoke, since none of your mooorons can point to him being friends with school shooters, as opposed to what he obviously mean, friends with families impacted by school shooters. any other interpretation doesn't make sense, but no one ever accused you morooons of having an iq over 50 :)
Actually several people that worked on the Apprentice have said that Trump would shit himself and then they would have to stop recording until they had cleaned him up. From photos, we have seen that Trump wears pants that have no zipper.

He most certainly did attempt to prevent the Electoral votes from being certified.
How do you know he smells ? O by the way I don't care if he shits himself every day lots of elderly have issue. Some shit them self and some are like Biden mentality incompetent.
It's all about policy's .I don't like trump at all and have said so many times on here.He is egotistical,a bit of a bully and he lies a lot and I don't like him cheating on his wife. Especially with a wife like His
As for Harris Like trump she a cheater she lies and she was raised in a Marxist household.And your parents have a lot to do
with your beliefs and education.
She keeps flip flopping on every thing that tells me she will tell any lie to and will revert to her progressive ways. And I do not like her for her policy's on illegals and she share some of the blame .
Don't think if there is a war I wouldn't want her giggling socialist butt in charge.
She will spend spend spend just
How do you know he smells ? O by the way I don't care if he shits himself every day lots of elderly have issue. Some shit them self and some are like Biden mentality incompetent.
It's all about policy's .I don't like trump at all and have said so many times on here.He is egotistical,a bit of a bully and he lies a lot and I don't like him cheating on his wife. Especially with a wife like His
As for Harris Like trump she a cheater she lies and she was raised in a Marxist household.And your parents have a lot to do
with your beliefs and education.
She keeps flip flopping on every thing that tells me she will tell any lie to and will revert to her progressive ways. And I do not like her for her policy's on illegals and she share some of the blame .
Don't think if there is a war I wouldn't want her giggling socialist butt in charge.
She will spend spend spend just
so trump is a slut right? you said people who have affairs are sluts. you called harris a slut for having an affair with a married man, trump was married and had the affair, that makes him a super slut, yet you never called him that, you hypocrite.

you have creepy thoughts about women, pervert.
Not only did he claim that Haitians were eating pets, he later admitted that this was a LIE, which he then claimed was somehow justifiable.
You must have mixed false story lines from a dozen or more fake news sources to have come up with that crap.
so trump is a slut right? you said people who have affairs are sluts. you called harris a slut for having an affair with a married man, trump was married and had the affair, that makes him a super slut, yet you never called him that, you hypocrite.

you have creepy thoughts about women, pervert.
If you must vote for a sinner in 2024 don't vote for an anti-Constitution, baby-killing, pervert and criminal empowering Marxist.
You must have mixed false story lines from a dozen or more fake news sources to have come up with that crap.

If you must vote for a sinner in 2024 don't vote for an anti-Constitution, baby-killing, pervert and criminal empowering Marxist.
Good thing no one like that us running
At least not in our reality