How the Trump Administration Twisted Coronavirus Intelligence


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. .....A January 26, 2020 Washington Times article linking the Wuhan Institute to “Beijing’s covert bio-weapons program” caught the eye of some in the White House. (The article has since been updated to reflect that its insinuations are insufficiently substantiated.) Over the course of several weeks in late January and February, Pence asked multiple times to be briefed specifically about the allegations in the article. Public reporting indicates that then, as now, the intelligence community could not corroborate nor refute them. At one point, Pence’s request for more information came in the form of a sticky note attached to a copy of the article with “What is this?” written in marker in the vice president’s handwriting.

Throughout the early months of 2020, Peter Navarro, a Trump aide on economics and trade, embraced and espoused an exaggerated version of the “lab leak” theory both within the White House and publicly. He contended that National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci had secretly directed the development and spread of the virus. Navarro and others relied on untrustworthy sources of information, including, more than the medical and intelligence professionals in the government.

Through the month of February 2020, Pence and his chief of staff issued further questions about the lab leak theory to the intelligence community. It’s not unusual for intelligence consumers, especially at the highest levels of government, to ask the intelligence community to answer their questions, and the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 was accidentally released from the Wuhan lab can’t be discounted.

In his requests for more information, it wasn’t Pence’s behavior that was questionable, but his apparent motives. On February 26, Pence was announced as the new head of the White House’s coronavirus task force. After Dr. Nancy Messonier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, had raised the alarm about the virus spreading in the United States, it was widely understood inside the administration that the vice president’s job was not to control the disease but to control the narrative. Finding evidence for the lab leak theory seemed to become a public relations imperative.

So the lab leak theory remained popular in the vice president’s office. When I raised the fact that the theory still had not been corroborated by the intelligence community, Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, told me that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “disagreed.” I warned Short of the risks of politicizing intelligence....


2. Chinese medical staff went to the Dongfang Jianguo hotel to rescue five American military participants who were suffering from high fevers, shallow coughs, and chest pains.

Once retrieved from the Dongfang Jianguo hotel they were sent to the Wuhan hospital. There, their symptoms were recorded, some treatment provided and they were immediately evacuated to the Wuhan Tianhe International Airport.

They were then picked up by a special US military airplane to evacuate them to the US.

After the American military contingent left China, the hotel staff started to come down with an illness.

In all, 42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan.


3. The following people and organisations ought to read and comment on the first article mentioned above: WHO, Republican members of the US House of Representatives intelligence committee, the self-declared "Messiah" ex-president, Peter Navarro, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton and other white supremacists, the White House Incumbent, conspiracy theorists, etc.

Like the big bad wolf in the "Three Little Pigs" fairy tale, the Trump administration kept huffing and puffing and huffing and puffing and huffing and puffing desperately at China with the Wuhan lab-leak conspiracy theory in the final days of 2020 till it was out of puff but failed to bring down that country. Now the current US administration whose leader was deemed "incompetent" and "mentally shot" by the "Me First" ex-president suddenly picks up the Wuhan lab-leak conspiracy theory to become the next "big bad wolf".

4. The Financial Times reported on Thursday (3 June 2021) that Dr "Flip-Flop" Fauci has called on China to release the medical records of nine people whose ailments might provide vital clues into whether COVID-19 first emerged as the result of a lab leak. He said: "I would like to see the medical records of the three people who are reported to have got sick in 2019. Did they really get sick, and if so, what did they get sick with?"

As in the Chinese idiom (奉陪到底) meaning "If that is what you want, it's fine with me. I shall play whatever games you want to play to the finish, provided you play with the same rules.” Using the analogy of the "lost wallet in the bus", it would be fair and square to the US, China and the whole world if Dr. Fauci also releases the medical records of US biological lab workers too.

He must also explain and elaborate why he predicted or warned in 2017 of a "surprise outbreak" during the Trump administration. “There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,” he said.

In addition, he must also release the medical records of five American military participants who were suffering from high fevers, shallow coughs, and chest pains in Wuhan in October 2019. He must let the world know whether they are alive or dead.

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