IL problems

the SC threw out the case about Obamas BC, no one said anything about that. And I did not even see much of a thread about india before , that I found a bit shocking....( and I am not around as much as you may have noticed) so there are many things with out much talk about them

I have always maintained that the whole birth certificate argument was a stupid waste of time.

Aside from that, hope to see you posting more, and that all is well.
From this, it looks like the Feds have him dead to rights.

The affidavit quotes Blagojevich telling an adviser later that day that a Senate seat "is a [expletive] valuable thing, you just don't give it away for nothing."
In a conversation with Harris on Nov. 4, the day of the election, Blagojevich is alleged to have compared his situation to that of a sports agent shopping a potential free agent to the highest bidder.

On Nov. 5, Blagojevich allegedly told an adviser: "I've got this thing and it's [expletive] golden, and, uh, uh, I'm just not giving it up for [expletive] nothing. I'm not gonna do it."

It's pretty hard to deny the meaning of his own words, but I'm sure he'll try. Scumballs like that always do.
Apparently he has been under investigation since 2004 for corruption. The "patriot" act is not involved. The wiretaps were signed off on by a Federal judge.

I havent been able to find that yet, do you have a link for it? Personally I find this whole "under investigation" stuff of politicians to be a bit troublesome from a judicial stand point. The same goes even for my own Congressman(R) Don Young. Who has been under investigation for some time. Either that information needs to not be made public until there is an indictment or they need to not constantly monitor phone calls without probable cause and for only the window in question.

Watching a guy for 4 years waiting for him to do something wrong is troublesome as it seems they are being targeted, not because they have done something wrong, but because they are looking for anything they can.

Imagine a police officer following you everywhere you drive just waiting until you commit a traffic violation.
actuly I care, I just have this thing called a job that I was at all day. But I hope they throw him out, and clean some house. Its part of a long history of things like this in chi, and I am willing to be not the last time we see something like it. But I hope they make sure he does good time if guilty ( and it would seem he is)

As an Alaskan who has been watching closely the last few years to see some high profile politicians from my state be convicted on corruption related charges, I am glad to see some focus taken away from AK on the issue.

If he is guilty, throw him in with the rest of the criminals. Maybe he can be cellies with former Governor Ryan up in Wisconsin.
From this, it looks like the Feds have him dead to rights.

It's pretty hard to deny the meaning of his own words, but I'm sure he'll try. Scumballs like that always do.

Well I had read the CNN story on the issue, the MSNBC version is much more indepth, thanks for sharing.
Rob, this link has answered my question, so dont bend over backwards on the link. Although I dont care to read 70something pages of an indictment,
But it did talk about the wire taps, and them being approved by a judge.

While I can certainly understand wanting to appoint someone who is politically aligned with ones self, that is only natural, extorting cash and other financial benefits in exchange for is totally out of line and as I said earlier, a completely idiotic move on his part.

In my time throughout public service as a local council member, I have voted against appointing members of lower boards who I know disagree on certain issues with me, as well as lobbying heavily among my fellow members to support an appointment. But that is part of the game in politics.
Attempting to receive personal benefits, especially monetary help is completely out of the question, and utterly disagraceful.
I have always maintained that the whole birth certificate argument was a stupid waste of time.

Aside from that, hope to see you posting more, and that all is well.

its good, just lots of work, (oddly yet less and less money grr) and yes it is dumb. you should see some of the court cases this guy who filed this one has filed, can tell someone just likes to sue to sue..
Bunz, I respect your opinion, but disagree.

"The mantra has long been that we dont "negotiate with terrorists" but at the same time, when an attack is pulled off, we spend trillions of dollars in response to a single event, and justify a foreign occuption that has killed more Americans than the original event.
But more importantly than money spent and a body count is that we keep being Americans full speed ahead and dont let our own government undermine the liberties of the governed citizens. "

The key is that WE DON'T KNOW how many more people would be dead *IF* we had not done what we did. So to say that more people have died than would have died is not correct.
Hey Shells! Glad to see you! Let me add that I hope all is well with you and yours too!!

BTW, I agree with the questioning of obama's BC. What a waste of time!!
Bunz, I respect your opinion, but disagree.

"The mantra has long been that we dont "negotiate with terrorists" but at the same time, when an attack is pulled off, we spend trillions of dollars in response to a single event, and justify a foreign occuption that has killed more Americans than the original event.
But more importantly than money spent and a body count is that we keep being Americans full speed ahead and dont let our own government undermine the liberties of the governed citizens. "

The key is that WE DON'T KNOW how many more people would be dead *IF* we had not done what we did. So to say that more people have died than would have died is not correct.

I certainly cannot expect you to agree with all of my opinions. But to continue the discussion, the purpose of terrorism as a tactic is two fold, the first is to instill a fear among the general poppulation. The second is to use violence in unimaginable ways against otherwise innocent people to cause a change in policy by various governments.

In which case our reaction to 9-11 has played directly into the terrorists hands. Suspending habeaus corpus and the 5th amendment, forcing normal Americans to go through idiotic rituals to board an airplane, and baiting America into two very long, expensive, and deadly wars that has divided the poppulace, strained the military and alienated some of our closest allies.

Never in thier wildest dreams did the bastards who crashed those planes into the WTC imagine they would be so successful. They managed to bring down the buildings, but we have allowed ourselves to let them win by the shift in our domestic policy towards our own citizens.
I certainly cannot expect you to agree with all of my opinions. But to continue the discussion, the purpose of terrorism as a tactic is two fold, the first is to instill a fear among the general poppulation. The second is to use violence in unimaginable ways against otherwise innocent people to cause a change in policy by various governments.

In which case our reaction to 9-11 has played directly into the terrorists hands. Suspending habeaus corpus and the 5th amendment, forcing normal Americans to go through idiotic rituals to board an airplane, and baiting America into two very long, expensive, and deadly wars that has divided the poppulace, strained the military and alienated some of our closest allies.

Never in thier wildest dreams did the bastards who crashed those planes into the WTC imagine they would be so successful. They managed to bring down the buildings, but we have allowed ourselves to let them win by the shift in our domestic policy towards our own citizens.

you forgot to add, that one of there main goals was to get the US out of S. Arabia....and soon after we pulled out troops out...We don't negotiate....we just gave in .
you forgot to add, that one of there main goals was to get the US out of S. Arabia....and soon after we pulled out troops out...We don't negotiate....we just gave in .

Good point, and thanks for mentioning that. I had forgotten about that part.

I think it is worthy to note also that the Sauds asked the US to leave there.
If there was one country in the world we should have invaded it should have been the KSA. More oil, more terrorists, and a value system that is about the polar opposite of American values.
The affidavit quotes Blagojevich telling an adviser later that day that a Senate seat "is a [expletive] valuable thing, you just don't give it away for nothing."
In a conversation with Harris on Nov. 4, the day of the election, Blagojevich is alleged to have compared his situation to that of a sports agent shopping a potential free agent to the highest bidder.

On Nov. 5, Blagojevich allegedly told an adviser: "I've got this thing and it's [expletive] golden, and, uh, uh, I'm just not giving it up for [expletive] nothing. I'm not gonna do it."

Reading the above quote from the wiretap, I can certainly understand how someone could read illegal intent into it. However, I don't think anything in the quoted text is illegal per se. A senate seat is valuable, and expecting some sort of political Quid Pro Quo is a reasonable expectation. Reading personnal monetary gain into this quote is merely an assumption. Expecting the Gov. to appoint someone without Quid Pro Quo, is to assume all politicians are dumber than dirt.

Without context, the wiretap info is just inflamatory, not illegal.
Good point, and thanks for mentioning that. I had forgotten about that part.

I think it is worthy to note also that the Sauds asked the US to leave there.
If there was one country in the world we should have invaded it should have been the KSA. More oil, more terrorists, and a value system that is about the polar opposite of American values.

what would we do ? try to actuly run the place? find a moderate who could? only thing we could do to them is kill so many they just dont want to fight anymore..
Pocket and Bunz,
Interesting point you both make. The last question was the one I was going to ask. What would we do? Religion is at the core of terrorism. They want us dead. How do you get around that?