How To Change Your Mind; Exterminating "conservative" Precepts

How do people think? Are thoughts created by brainless chemical or electrical reactions? No, people can think because God gave humans spirits that can communicate, and should be used to communicate with God more than others.
It is pretty clear that humans are not the only animals that can think. Dogs, crow and parrots are also capable of reasoning.

God is quite obviously not interested in communicating with humans. If he were, God would have created humans capable of conversing with God, and of course, Jesus would have written his own Gospel rather than waiting 50 year for four anonymous pseudo-apostles to write contradictory Gospels for him.

Is ritual cannibalism ( this is my blood, drink it in memory of me, this is my flesh, eat it in memory of me) really the best way to spread a religion?

If God were actually into communicating with people, he'd have tried something more effective than drowning them en masse and appearing as flaming shrubbery.
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