I'll agree, you don't attack people for the purpose of demonization... You just think its "cool" to poke fun at Christians, Conservatives and all things Bush, so your attacks look more like angry drunken rants and cheap shots at those not protected by Political Correctness than propagandizing.
Just a couple quick question... don't get all testy...

Is it impossible that people may actually not like a certain religious sect with kinda nutty Evangelist leaders trying to force their dogma down everyone's throat in a political sense?
Possible that someone might truly think Druggie Limbaugh and the like are fearmongering carnival barkers that stir up chaos for their own wealth & ratings... and think the record really shows Bush truly did leave office polling as the worst President of all times since polling began with a 22% overall approval rating, 2 wars, his TORTURE legacy, and a destroyed American economy?
I'm just asking this because a majority of people would agree with just about all of this train of thought.