whats great is that with conservatives, when one anyone does anything they don't agree with, they just slap some new label on them, is subset , or just cry they are not really a conservative. Fact of course is, one more down who had the balls to actually find out what he was talking about, and actually found out it is what it is...and keep in mind this was done for short time, and under controlled situation by people he knew would not hurt or kill him...making it much less even.
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John McCain says in no uncertain terms... WATERBOARDING IS TORTURE. Now this HARD RIGHTIE Mancow says it's so bad people can't even imagine it... and this guy is just 2 Ocycotin and a Dominican minor from actually being Rush Limbaugh!

I've NEVER.... never never never never... seen people that liked TORTURING defenseless bound prisoners so much.
I don't care what the World Health Organization says... It's the Lunatic Far Right that have the swine flu, they're obviously the pigs in this scenario.