There have been quite a few, namely the Anthrax attacks, several abortion clinic incidents and quite a few otherwise local minor bombings.
You might have a point with the Anthrax attacks. Other than that, I have not seen evidence of Clinic bombings. I've seen some stopped, but that's not what I meant. I meant terrorist attacks by Al Qaeda that happened routinely prior to Bush.
Do you really want to go there? There are thousands of dead Americans and tens of thousands seriously wounded from terrorists attacks on American targets. Going into detail here would exceed my bandwidth limit for the month.
I'm not talking about a war zone.
Did he cause the Soviets to invade Afghanistan? Did he cause the overthrow of the Shah? Did he cause the oil embargo?
There was no oil embargo. The oil embargo happened under Nixon. And even under Nixon, the oil embargo did absolutely nothing. The entire problem was with price caps. Price caps caused gasoline shortages because sellers couldn't pass on the cost of purchase to the consumers. The result was massive lines, and long waits.
Nixon at least had the fact it hadn't been tried before. But once tried, and failed miserably, what is Carters excuse? After seeing it fail completely under Nixon, his brilliant idea is to try it all over again? Then shockingly had the exact same result, and what's his plan? Rationing of Gasoline?
Carter was a complete idiot.
No he didn't cause the Soviets to invade Afghanistan. He sure didn't oppose it though.
No he didn't directly cause the shaw of Iran to be overthrown. What he did was, while knowing that the Soviets and Chi-coms were supporting the opposition to our national ally, he refused to support the Shaw of Iran, which made his overthrowing inevitable. Then stupidly didn't think to evacuate our Embassy when he knew, or should have known, that the Shaw's end was at hand.
Again, Carter was completely incompetent in every way.
Ill set aside the Clinton claims here for a minute, the fact of the matter is that Bush, despite coming from and claiming to be a conservative did nothing to curb spending, and increased it greatly.
He can claim anything he wants. Al Gore claims he's an environmentalist against evil oil companies. That doesn't change the fact he's got millions in Oxidental Petrol, that he arranged the sale of oil land to, as VP.
Bush is not nearly as much as conservative as he's tried to say. In the same way McCain barely has a single issue anywhere that he could be considered conservative on.
But as to fiscal responsibility:
Bush veto'd two bills what would have spent billions on Stem Cell research.
Bush veto'd The Water Resources Dev Act which would have spent $25 to $50 billion on pork spending special interest project, plus an additional amount for promises to local communities for unknown amounts.
The above act, was passed by a veto override with 266 democrats voting for it. Only 2.... voted against it.
Bush veto'd H.R. 3043, which to pay for the department of Labor and a bunch of other things, was so bloated that it would cost 12 times as much as the entire department of Homeland Security.
Even though the override attempt failed, all 226 democrats voted for the bill.
Bush also veto'd a failed government health system that would have spent an additional $60 Billion on Mass. MassHealth system.
Finely, Bush veto'd the massive pork Farm Bill twice. That didn't stop it from being passed by an override, of which only 16 democrats from both the House and Senate, voted against the massive special interest give away.
HUH? France supported us in Iraq? Saudi Arabia? Turkey? Germany? Canada? They all said NO
France hasn't supported us on anything anywhere for ages. They are not a close ally. That said, yes they were against the war. Of course their high profit trade ties to Saddam had nothing to do with it...
Canada did not say "no". They opted not to help only because they wanted U.N. approval. That didn't stop them from stating they clearly believed Iraq has WMDs. Canada has: helped train Iraqi police, oversight of the elections, and it's NORAD and exchange forces, did run missions with US military units during the war.
So that leaves Turkey, Germany, and Saudi Arabia. Alright. Want to list the countries that not only supported but contributed troops to operations in Iraq?
United Kingdom, South Korea, Australia, Poland, Romania, Denmark, El Salvador, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Latvia, Albania, Czech Republic, Mongolia, Lithuania, Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Estonia, Macedonia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Fiji, Hungary, Nicaragua, Spain, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Philippines, Thailand, New Zealand, Tonga, Portugal, Singapore, Norway, Ukraine, The Netherlands, Japan, Italy, Slovakia.
Ok, so three countries, plus one with a conflict of interest, against all these that were for it.
All of which turned out to be quite incorrect. But Bush was so hellbent on war in Iraq, there was nothing that could change Bush's mind.
That's an idiotic statement. What the heck does "hellbent... nothing could change his mind" mean? It wasn't until 2 years after the invasion was completely that we gave up the search for WMDs. Further, that was only one of the stated reasons for going. Finely, what exactly would you expect him to do?
So if you were in charge, you'd what? Oops! No WMDs! Ok, let's put Saddam back in power, put the tyrannical Ba-aths party back in power, return the people cheering for freedom, back into rape rooms and oppression, and just quickly walk away like nothing happened? If not, then what is your brilliant plan? Stop being stupid. You can't complain about what someone else did, when you have not the slightest clue what could have been done better.
I am not by any means a Clinton apologist, but there was a diplomatic solution there without nukes available. When in a year into his Presidency, when Bush mentioned NKorea in the axis of evil, it put them on the direct path to exploding a nuke in 2006. If N. Korea is Clintons fault it is just as much every Presidents fault since 1953. Except none of them had Commie Korea explode a nuke on thier watch, and do SQUAT about it.
If we invaded Iraq for being a dictatorship, having WMDs, killing his own people and neighbors, and defying UN resolutiuons, then certainly we should have invaded Korea...except they dont have oil or another strategic resource available.
You seem to be missing the whole point. It's not necessarily "Clinton's Fault"... it's the ideologies fault. Democrats and leftists, tend to have this idea that "talking" helps. Like if we just talk, just sit and blabber about, like some annoying wind up toy, that will somehow improve things. Bush, and others like myself, believe that action sometimes is the only way. That yacking at people doesn't help.
In 1994, Clinton went on the yacking plan, to work with North Korea to not build nukes. The same as he did with Saddam, constantly trying to talk him into disarming and letting the UN inspectors to verify destruction of WMDs. Well of course the North Koreans agreed to everything no problem.
But now we know they did nothing of the sort. They signed the irrelevant paper, and went about their business building nukes. They purchased high end enrichment equipment, and started building bombs. You think 2006 was the result of one speech in 2002? Tell me you are not so ignorant to believe that only 4 years is required to go from nothing to fully functional nuclear bomb?
The whole reason Bush put Iran into his speech was explicitly because they were already building a nuclear bomb, and violating their agreement not to. We already know that the equipment needed to build the nuke, was purchased in 1997 to 2000.
Not sure why I talk about Saudi Arabia? Maybe it is because according to Bush, the greatest threat to humanity is AL-Q which contains a lot of Saudi Arabians, 15 of which assisted in killing +3,000 American civilians. Saudi Arabia also said NO to using thier assistance and airspace in the 2003 invasion.
Great. What would you have suggested we do? Invade Saudi Arabia? I thought you were against "rushing to war" and for "pursing peace"? If you are not for that, then SHUT UP! If you are, then what the heck do you think Bush should have done?
You are real good at complaining about other peoples choices, but have zero suggestions yourself.
What other reasons? Would you invade all the other countries in the world that meet the criteria provided?
Pile on Carter all you want, he is nothing but a strawman for the GOP. Carter inherited a nearly impossible situation of the Nixon debacle and Ford place holding, and only had 4 years before he was ousted.
Hey, I pile on whoever deserves it. Carter earned the rank of worst president in the past 60 years at least.
You criticism of Carter and his not learning historic failures can just as easily be applied to Bush. I am not a big fan of Carter and his policies, but what gets my respect and favor between the two, which were both probably incompetent for the job, is that both had access to the greatest military power in the world, one showed restraint and pursued peace. While the other choose conflict and war at every opportunity.
Every opportunity? We have reason to believe Syria has some of Saddam's weapons. We have reason to go to Iran. We have reason to even go to Pakistan too. Heck we have reason to go to a number of places. The reason we haven't is to try and work out diplomatic solutions.
Clinton's inaction for 8 years led to 9/11. Haven't YOU learned anything from history?