Well-Known Member
While Jimmy was ineffectual, he didn't spy on the American people illegally, he didn't go to war based on lies, and he didn't get more than 4000 Americans killed in a deadend war. Do you really think that the hundreds of billions of dollars pulled out of the American economy to kill people in the Middle East hasn't been one of the causes of the current economic disaster? Our infrastructure has been let to go to rack and ruin while we spend billions for killing people.
Jimmy, for all his faults didn't legalize torture. I agree with you on a lot of points, No Obamo, but this isn't one of them. The bailout is just the next brick in his wall-of-disaster regime.
The economic melt down was directly caused by the dufus idiots in congress. I can name them. Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxene Waters to start. The war has us in major debt along with other things like Katrina and 911, both were disasters but we might break on why. Giving over a million dollars to every family member of 911 was flat dumb. what about the people from the Oklahoma bombing, or Pearl Harbor. and we are STILL taking care of misplaced people from Katrina. At some point I say buddy get a job or move where you can get one!
Carter would have done nothing at all had 911 happened on his watch, I think Bill Clinton would have done nothing either. Carter sat around while our hostages were being held doing nothing, clinton turned his head when the cole was bombed and the other 200 and something attacks happened that were directly connected to 911.
If not for the last 8 years I would argue Jimmy Carter was a decent man no matter how bad of a president he was, i just cant argue that anymore.
Bush I can still argue is a decent man and my biggest problems with him is when he caved to liberals.