Well-Known Member
You dont really believe this do you? I mean really? Do you think the economic downturn that America, and the globe is seeing falls onto 3 members of Congress who are "directly" responsible? This might be among an absurdity level that stoops to a level of Dawkins. Please back it up with someone or prove me wrong. Otherwise this is nothing but utterly partisan BS.
Provide evidence or dont post this sort of claim. Your posts are generally more informed than this.
The fact of the matter is that this is a dramatic systemic failure.
Concerning the families of 911, I ask you what a human life is worth? For someone who holds so much value on the life of an embryo, you discount harshly what sort of financial hardship these families have/will face when thier loved on is, to say the least is out of the work force. Especially concerning those families have zero legal recourse to pursue concerning the poeple who committed the crimes.
To address Pearl Harbor, the vast majority of those killed were active duty military personel and thier families were compensated as well. Much like any military family who suffers a loss. As for those in NOLA, most people have either returned or re-located. But it is worthy to note that the destruction that ensued came from a levy failure that was operated and maintained by the federal government.
Pure speculation. Nothing else.
What did you want Carter to do? Invade Iran? Nuke them? The rescue mission that was ultimately undertaken turned tragic, but the fact of the matter is that there was little realistic military response to the situation.
Maybe Clinton should have invaded Yemen, and then the Sudanese? Sounds grand, the current President didnt do squat when a genocide was going on in Sudan, and you criticise a former President of turning his head about a single terrorist attack. This logic makes zero sense to me.
I find this simply comical. He caved to the liberals?When it comes to spending he is a hell of a lot more liberal than the Democrats.
I find it very hard to reply to this thread
first, no its not three members of congress, but those are the three main people who directly protected the problem
and for you to ask me if human life is valuable while you voted for and you defend the worst monster in US history when it comes to the life/death of living human children, children outside of their mother.
There is no way I can seriously even have an exchange with you. Its pathetic!