How many terrorist attacks have happened on American soil since 9/11?
There have been quite a few, namely the Anthrax attacks, several abortion clinic incidents and quite a few otherwise local minor bombings.
In fact, how many have happened against American targets elsewhere?
Do you really want to go there? There are thousands of dead Americans and tens of thousands seriously wounded from terrorists attacks on American targets. Going into detail here would exceed my bandwidth limit for the month.
One difference is, I blame Carter for things he actually caused.
Did he cause the Soviets to invade Afghanistan? Did he cause the overthrow of the Shah? Did he cause the oil embargo?
There was no Budget surplus. Clinton used Social Security money to make it look like a surplus, when in fact it was borrowed from Social Security. You claim Bush pushed us to economic ruin, but the only legislation that I can name as having a hand in our economic conditions, are not from Bush.
Ill set aside the Clinton claims here for a minute, the fact of the matter is that Bush, despite coming from and claiming to be a conservative did nothing to curb spending, and increased it greatly.
You claim he alienated our historical allies, yet they supported the invasion of Iraq.
HUH? France supported us in Iraq? Saudi Arabia? Turkey? Germany? Canada? They all said NO
In fact, many gave us the intel the showed the need to go.
All of which turned out to be quite incorrect. But Bush was so hellbent on war in Iraq, there was nothing that could change Bush's mind.
NKorea was a left over from the failed Clinton policy.
I am not by any means a Clinton apologist, but there was a diplomatic solution there without nukes available. When in a year into his Presidency, when Bush mentioned NKorea in the axis of evil, it put them on the direct path to exploding a nuke in 2006. If N. Korea is Clintons fault it is just as much every Presidents fault since 1953. Except none of them had Commie Korea explode a nuke on thier watch, and do SQUAT about it.
If we invaded Iraq for being a dictatorship, having WMDs, killing his own people and neighbors, and defying UN resolutiuons, then certainly we should have invaded Korea...except they dont have oil or another strategic resource available.
Not sure what the point of talking about Saudi Arabia is, unless you think we could have done something about it.
Not sure why I talk about Saudi Arabia? Maybe it is because according to Bush, the greatest threat to humanity is AL-Q which contains a lot of Saudi Arabians, 15 of which assisted in killing +3,000 American civilians. Saudi Arabia also said NO to using thier assistance and airspace in the 2003 invasion.
Mounting debt, can be traced to congress which has more control over spending. Not to mention the debt nearly doubled under Clinton, and Obama plans to do the same.
And finely, you and I do not agree on whether we should have gone into Iraq. So that doesn't bother me. I would have gone into Iraq, even if I knew everything I do now. I might not have said it was WMDs, but I would have listed the other reasons.
What other reasons? Would you invade all the other countries in the world that meet the criteria provided?
So, again, when you attribute to each president exactly what was caused by his own policies, not by change or failed passed policies, Carter wins hands down. What's worse, is Carter repeated prior mistakes that should have been easy to learn from.
Pile on Carter all you want, he is nothing but a strawman for the GOP. Carter inherited a nearly impossible situation of the Nixon debacle and Ford place holding, and only had 4 years before he was ousted.
You criticism of Carter and his not learning historic failures can just as easily be applied to Bush. I am not a big fan of Carter and his policies, but what gets my respect and favor between the two, which were both probably incompetent for the job, is that both had access to the greatest military power in the world, one showed restraint and pursued peace. While the other choose conflict and war at every opportunity.