There is no associated principle of volition, if you're flatlined yo' dead! Geez, even you oughta know that, Nums.![]()
Did you think all that up on your own? And the post seem more insightful since I wasn't even trying to be funny.
There is no associated principle of volition, if you're flatlined yo' dead! Geez, even you oughta know that, Nums.![]()
Thank you, Duh, it's nice that you recognize my abilities.Brilliant!
Of course I did, I write all my own material.Did you think all that up on your own?
Logic fit only for cattle excrement -- which is no more than one can expect, really, coming from you.
Foreknowledge of x of the actions of y doesn't make the action less free. The only way it becomes less free is if x coerces y towards that action. And only in redneck logic is foreknowledge equated to coersion.
And here, I am not even talking of divine foreknowledge. People gain foreknowledge all the time. In fact, you cannot even play chess effectively without such skill -- something I do not expect from you, given your aversion to anything intellectual or contemplative.
And yes, you are free to imagine the metaphysical meaning of 'duh?'. It has as much meaning as your posts anyway. I guess there is no chance of you hurting yourself in that exercise.
Why not just break down and admit it? You have "Duh" & "sigh" and absolutely nothing else but witchcraft theroy... LMAO!
All that x and y stuff is nothing more than you trying to make yourself look "scientific"and cloak your improvised Dog & Pony Show!
You're in a box. The only possible way out you'd have is to say that God is a faith only commodity and as such if true all intermediate natural disaster (everything until final Armageddon) is not an act of God.
This has as much logical content as -- for a lack of a better word -- HEE-HAW!
It really would just be easier for you to just admit you have nothing that can be proven but you have strong faith. I could and would definitely respect that.
But when you just pretend by vacillating between big words and theroys... and Duh, sigh and HE-HAW... well, you are letting yourself and what I'm sure are your good intentions of truly wanting something provable down.
My friend I wish it were provable. I wish there was not such rampant contradiction in religion.
Having been raised a Christian I kinda now have to agree at times with Mahatma Ghandi when he said...
I like your Christ.
I just don't like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
Did you imagine this to pass for a logical refutation of the cosmological argument? Or are you stupidly determined to post everything EXCEPT that refutation?
Did you imagine this to pass for a logical refutation of the cosmological argument? Or are you stupidly determined to post everything EXCEPT that refutation?
So, now your back from pseudo-scientific logical sounding arguments to HEE HAW!.
What happened to Duh, capice, and all of your other childish insults?
There's nothing to refute. You yourself are the cosmological argument!
There's no proof there my friend... it's all self serving guessing and relying on religious based witchcraft as the answer to something.
Now if you want to talk about religious things here on earth I might go back and forth a bit... but what you're stuck on here isn't getting you anywhere I assure you.
In fact I had to laugh when I was looking up something else and came across my new signature line... I kinda put it down there just for you!![]()
State this 4 step 'proof' and let's see