Germany not a world leader....


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2021

Why hasn't Germany done more to help Ukraine in this war? According to this chart Germany has given just .08% of it's GDP to help Ukraine. This is a war just what 800 miles away? While the USA has given almost 3 times more and we are an ocean away.

I like the Germans but the mentality pisses me off. Just let the USA handle it like we are an unlimited pile of money.

Germany is also a dog when it comes to NATO. Europe's largest country spends 1.3% of their GDP on military while France and the UK spend 2%. You people cannot pull your own weight?
This in my opinion is an important bargaining chip to end this war with Putin.

If Germany threatened to significantly increase it's own military spending while also doubling their aid to Ukraine that would be a carrot for Putin to get out. The last thing Putin wants to see is a strong Germany. That would be leadership.
I'm going to start a thread about USA military spending with some comparative numbers. Not a partisan thread but just some interesting things people might want to know.

The military aid we have pledged to Ukraine so far is equal to what Turkey spends in an entire year on military. Turkey is 18th in the world in military spending and we alone are giving them that much. If the neocons had their way it would be even more. Why would Zelensky ever want this war to end with capital like that flowing in?
Germany is not alone Italy is another dog. They are even worse.

The two countries that are supposed to be so important for NATO Sweden and Finland have not done shit to help Ukraine though Finland did sharply increase their own military concerned about a Russian invasion.
You need to get that narcissistic anger under control. Youre carrying on as if your some intellectual giant. Have a glance at the outrageous testosterone filled subjects.
Yoire passing against the wind.
Read the headline and read the meat of the article. Very informative. Remember we are told that Putin is a maniacal imperialist and a threat to all of western civilization but western civilization does not act like he is a threat.

The proposed hike in German military spending!!!!!​

You noisily read about massive increases in German spending up to $112B a year!

Then further down you know it will never happen and there are numerous constitutional and bureaucratic barriers.

So how much more will Germany really be spending on military? Remember Putin is an existential threat! Not a dime. The proposed budget from 2021 pre Putin invasion and 2023 is almost identical. Remember inflation there is comparable to what it is here in the USA. Taking inflation into account the Germans may be spending less!

Core defence spending in 2023 will amount to EUR50.1 billion (USD55.4 billion), a 0.6% nominal decrease from 2022 but a EUR2.76 billion increase compared with the estimate in the finance plan approved in June 2021.

The largest country in Europe and the largest member of NATO next to the USA is not demonstrating any leadership.
I'm not being hateful here I love the Germans. I'm just irked by the attitudes that my country which has 2 million foreigners walking into it every year is expected to be your protector. I also can see that nobody in Europe is truly concerned about Putin other than the few countries right on his border.

We saw this lack of leadership when there was a civil war raging in Yugoslavia and some experts were predicting it would grow into a wider regional war even reaching Greece and Romania. What did Germany do? The same thing France and Italy did. Nothing. Finally Bill Clinton dropped a few bombs on Serbia and UN peace keeping forces were sent in. 1/3 of them American of course and it was over.

How about the civil war in Rwanda? 800,000 people were hacked to death. Would have taken just 10,000 troops to stop all that. The French helped a little nobody else did shit. Including the USA.
I'm going to start a thread about USA military spending with some comparative numbers. Not a partisan thread but just some interesting things people might want to know.

The military aid we have pledged to Ukraine so far is equal to what Turkey spends in an entire year on military. Turkey is 18th in the world in military spending and we alone are giving them that much. If the neocons had their way it would be even more. Why would Zelensky ever want this war to end with capital like that flowing in?
I have been complaining how the Usa and Canada and Poland have been doing a lot for the Ukraine and many euro nations have not yet it is for sure in their best interest for Russia to be stopped in the Ukraine
Here is an amazingly detailed and itemized list of aid provided to Ukraine for this war.

Not a whole lot of aid from Germany that would truly be used to kill a Russian soldier. Interesting when we are told that Russia is a threat to Western civilization!!!!!.:rolleyes:

To combat this threat to the entire western world Germany does almost nothing. So I guess they are not a threat?
By the way good job pushing this thread based on and supported by facts to the bottom of the thread list while republicans voted against Finland in NATO is #1! Very google of you to do that.
My apologies. I had trouble finding this thread because I had forgotten I placed it in European politics when I was looking for it in world politics. So again I'm sorry. The thread was not buried.
germany, like the UK, is a client vassal state of the US WarParty military dictatorship.

like the uk, germoney follows every twist and turn of US foreign policy.

Comrade Stalin
Fighting uk and german special forces in the donbass
A strong Germany and Japan are essential to world security. Economically and militarily.

The post WW2 strategy and mentality of keeping those countries militarily weak and uninvolved needs to change.

Germany has the right to be a great country.