Democracy On Trial
January 30, 2024
In celebration of....."The roots of the criminal cases against former President Trump stemming from his 2020 election LOSS."
The root of all politically motivated charges against President Trump is widespread Democrat hatred and sedition against their political enemies and the US government under Republican control.
After the dust of WW3 settles, China will likely rule over the US and Taiwan, but not over Israel, since the Bible predicts Israel will endure until Jesus returns.
Jesus already told the world when he was returning. After his very unpleasant weekend, the resurrected Jesus was speaking with a group of disciples at Emmaus, and was asked when he would return.

He said that he did not know, that only the Father knew that (despite his being one third of the Holy Trinity) but that he would return "before the last of those he was speaking with had tasted death.".

Are there any 2000+ year disciples around? There are no reports of such.

So Jesus made a prediction and it seems that it turned to be FALSE. Paul told hid followers that there was no point in hem marrying, since Jesus was going to return very, very soon , like perhaps the following Tuesday.

I don't think that there will be any nuclear war over the present conflict in Gaza. I am sure that Israel and he US will continue to exist for at least another century. And the odds of Jesus returning? I do not think that any bookmaker on the planet will take bets on that.

Jesus is not coming, he will not convert the Jews, that is just dumb. The entire Book of Revelation is the rantings of a lunatic.

There are plenty of similar rantings that did not make it into the Bible. Predicting the destruction of Israel was practically a prerequisite for prophets in the Old Testament.
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After the dust of WW3 settles, China will likely rule over the US and Taiwan, but not over Israel, since the Bible predicts Israel will endure until Jesus returns.
Jesus will never return. And who says that Israel could never continue to exist and be dominated by China? Mark Francis wants to be a prophet, it seems.
Crisis On Campus
June 11, 2024
"A firestorm has been raging on many American college campuses. Ignited by the devastating October 2023 Hamas attack on Israel and the catastrophic war in Gaza, the outrage deeply divided American campuses and in some places devolved into hate-filled rhetoric and arrests."
After the dust of WW3 settles, China will likely rule over the US and Taiwan, but not over Israel, since the Bible predicts Israel will endure until Jesus returns.
You really really believe this nonsense, don't you?
Jesus already said when he would return and he didn't, and that was at least 1950 years ago Read the Bible!
Why would Israel not "endure" if China ruled the planet? That seems quite unlikely, by the way.

Silly Paul of Tarsus believed that Jesus would pop in at any moment. he died believing this. And so have millions and millions of believers.

The odds that Jesus will return at all are very very thin. The odds he will do that during your lifetime are much slimmer than that.