GlacierGate - More Bogus Global Warming


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
News from Jan 30, 2010 and interesting if true!

The screw-up over the Himalayan glaciers has triggered an outcry all across the thinking world. Some are already using the word "Glaciergate" in reference to the scandal over the bogus claim in the fourth IPCC assessment report, which the UN climate body publishes every five years. The prediction that glaciers in the Himalayas would all disappear by 2035 was wrong, they were off by around 300 years. A main reason for the mistake, I kid you not, was the numbers were transposed, instead of 2035 it was 2305. But don't worry the Global warming moonbats say they are sorry and it wont happen again.

Feel better now? Well Don't. Guess where the UN's IPCC got its information about the ice disappearing from the mountaintops across the world? The IPCC based its claims about mountian ice disappearing from a student's dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine.

Please attend our class "Exposing the Global Warming Scam"
News from Jan 30, 2010 and interesting if true!

The screw-up over the Himalayan glaciers has triggered an outcry all across the thinking world. Some are already using the word "Glaciergate" in reference to the scandal over the bogus claim in the fourth IPCC assessment report, which the UN climate body publishes every five years. The prediction that glaciers in the Himalayas would all disappear by 2035 was wrong, they were off by around 300 years. A main reason for the mistake, I kid you not, was the numbers were transposed, instead of 2035 it was 2305. But don't worry the Global warming moonbats say they are sorry and it wont happen again.
. creative....or, at least, the best you could do.....when it comes to no such statement being made.
"Among the scenarios that concern security planners is the melting of the massive Himalayan ice mass. In theory, the rivers fed by the Himalayan glaciers would flood at first, then dry up once the glaciers retreat. That would endanger tens of millions of people in lowland Bangladesh.

Retired Air Marshal A.K. Singh, a former commander in India's air force, foresees
mass migrations across national borders, with militaries soon becoming involved.

"It will initially be people fighting for food and shelter," Singh says. "When the migration starts, every state would want to stop the migrations from happening. Eventually, it would have to become a military conflict. Which other means do you have to resolve your border issues?"

As a result, the glaciers miss a key mass input while they continue to melt. This means that the perceived cool temperatures that flow down from glaciers are an emergency reaction to global warming instead of an indicator of long-term glacier stability.

Yeah....let's talk about MIGRATION, NOW!!!!!!