First Woman and Woman of Color is Presidential nominee.

She answered questions
You lied
God you are stupid lol
Yes, she answered a finger full of pre-submitted questions offered by pre-selected leftist bootlicks seeking to dishonestly portray her as someone who can take hard questions without help from speech writers and teleprompters.
Yes, she answered a finger full of pre-submitted questions offered by pre-selected leftist bootlicks seeking to dishonestly portray her as someone who can take hard questions without help from speech writers and teleprompters.
So you admit you lied lol
God you are stupid lol
Trump speaks nearly daily for sometimes hours on the campaign trail. Kamala rarely speaks more that a few minutes at campaign stops and never answers questions from bi-partisan groups of reporters.
Yes we should make age, stamina, intelligence and vigor an issue in this campaign. lol

What you have not received the new talking points yet? lol
that's not 'True SORT OF' ... That is just plain TRUE...IRREVOCABLY TRUE. The left pulled a fast one on their own voters. Pushing Biden and lying about his health...He won the primary. NOT her. But dems were seeing he was a disaster policy and economy and war they had to replace him...and they have selected her... THAT is DEMOCRACY??? LOLOL Selected. NOT elected is the word of the day...of this election. Does the left even care abou the long term survival of this nation?? It sure doesn't look like it. These open borders and influx of these dead beat illegals and criminal illegals is killing us..LITERALLY.

Democrats aren't upset about Biden dropping out. Democrats seem very happy to have Harris.

It's the republicans who are all upset about it. Which it really isn't any of their business who the democrats run. They aren't democrats.

I find it very arrogant and disgusting that republicans believe they have the right to choose who to run against.

Guess what? Your arrogance is misplaced and republicans have absolutely zero choice on who the democrats run. You might want to start paying attention to the crazy dementia addled convicted felon trump because he's totally bat crap crazy and losing it even more everyday.

We all know why the republicans are throwing fits about Biden dropping out. They now are losing to Harris.

It's funny because they spent nearly 4 years saying Biden shouldn't be president, that he's too old. That he shouldn't run this year.

Now that the republicans got what they demanded, they are throwing fits about it. Just like you are.

You can make up all the conspiracies you want but it's not going to change reality. Biden stepped aside for the good of our nation. I know you and the rest of the maga people can't comprehend doing something that selfless but Biden did it and now you crazy weirdos are throwing temper tantrums.

It's funny to watch.
I knew you'f justify it in spite of your demanding democracy. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Why do you care?

The rules have not been broken.

You might have a point if the democrats had a problem with it but democrats are overjoyed.

The people who have a problem with it is you maga crazy weirdos.

That isn't the problem of democrats. They will keep happily supporting Harris.

Keep crying about it. It's funny to watch such babies throwing such temper tantrums.
Nominated by delegates as per their process
God you are stupid lol

It's weird. The republicans expect democrats to not have a candidate running in this year's election.

Either that or they seem to believe that they have the right to force Biden to run.

Biden dropped out. What do the republicans expect democrats to do? Not have a candidate?

Biden had the right to drop out. It's called FREEDOM. Yes, I know republicans hate freedom, liberty and democracy. They actually believe they have the right to dictate who runs for president.

Those people are totally sick. They are so arrogant that they believe they have the right to force Biden to run as president.

They know that Harris will be hard to beat. She's already ahead of convicted felon trump in several polls.

The republicans still don't understand that they are the minority in our nation. The majority of the people of the USA are horrified at what the republican party has become and would vote for a rock before they voted for the traitorous fascists that the Republican Party has become.
Ford did not win the primary of the term he was president. Right?

Gerald Ford was never elected to VP or president.

He was appointed by richard nixon.

Neither was his VP, nelson rockefeller. He was appointed by Gerald Ford. No republicans or anyone from the general public voted for either of those men when they took office.

When they finally had to face being actually ELECTED by the voters, they lost.

So according to republicans, it's ok for republicans to force an unelected president and VP on our nation but it's not ok for democrats to replace a candidate who dropped out of the race to let his running mate take over with delegates voting according to the rules of nomination.

Apparently the republicans believe they either can force a person to run for president who doesn't want to or force the democrats to not have a candidate.

We all know why republicans are throwing hissy fits about this.

Meanwhile democrats are overjoyed that Harris is running. It's the republicans who are throwing hissy fits about it.

Democrats followed the rules of nomination.

The republicans need to deal with it.
Yes we should make age, stamina, intelligence and vigor an issue in this campaign. lol

What you have not received the new talking points yet? lol
Kamala is one of the worst politicians for president ever when speaking and reasoning skils are compared.