First Woman and Woman of Color is Presidential nominee.

Both Biden and Harris dishonestly claimed Trump was scared to debate them, but the democrats were lying, as usual.
In most polite forums, posters are not challenged for every one of their claims.

Your claims on the other hand are so outlandish that every one of your claims need to be challenged. History has shown that you cannot prove a single claim of yours. If you had any intelligence you would make some trivial innocuous claims for which there is evidence and then prove them when challenged just to create a scintilla of credibility like those tactics that let poor people to build back their poor credit ratings.
Well it seems that neither candidate is so scared of the other that they will refuse to debate.
Of course, debating skills are not a really major part of a skill set required for leadership.

The only instance of a debate making a logical difference that I can recall was when Gerald Ford incorrectly claimed that Poland was not an ally of the Soviet Union. Poland was a member of the Warsaw Pact, and this was clearly something a president should have know. Some would surely have told Ford this, though. Unlike Trump, Ford did not surround himself with slavish asskissers, bootlickers, brownnosers and lickspittles.

The best known example was Reagan claiming that his age gave him more experience than Mondale.
This was basically just a "gotcha" joke of no real importance.
Reagan was more experienced as an ACTOR, not a leader. But he was exceptionally talented at convincing the public that he was their kindly old uncle, as he went along with the oligarchy's plan to destroy unions, rob the middle class and allow the fatcats to return to pre- WWI times.
Mondale was the one with leadership experience that really cared about the average citizen. Not once did I vote for Reagan.
Harris is following the democrat plan set by Biden in 2020. Hiding from the public during the campaign while allowing the news media to campaign on her behalf, polls to falsely portray her public popularity, and voting fraud to secure her win no matter how many days after the election ballots have to keep pouring in to democrat wards until she wins the tainted election.
Trump has you brainwashed.
Your problem is you know she is about to win so like Trump you fabricate all the lies to justify your pathetic hatreds.
Why would you bother to do that? There's nothing in it for you and you know its bullshit. You're paranoid.
Well it seems that neither candidate is so scared of the other that they will refuse to debate.
Of course, debating skills are not a really major part of a skill set required for leadership.

The only instance of a debate making a logical difference that I can recall was when Gerald Ford incorrectly claimed that Poland was not an ally of the Soviet Union. Poland was a member of the Warsaw Pact, and this was clearly something a president should have know. Some would surely have told Ford this, though. Unlike Trump, Ford did not surround himself with slavish asskissers, bootlickers, brownnosers and lickspittles.

The best known example was Reagan claiming that his age gave him more experience than Mondale.
This was basically just a "gotcha" joke of no real importance.
Reagan was more experienced as an ACTOR, not a leader. But he was exceptionally talented at convincing the public that he was their kindly old uncle, as he went along with the oligarchy's plan to destroy unions, rob the middle class and allow the fatcats to return to pre- WWI times.
Mondale was the one with leadership experience that really cared about the average citizen. Not once did I vote for Reagan.
Kackles cannot even talk to the press because of her serious incompetence. She and the powers behind the democrat political machine are again going to have to let the lying leftist media run the campaign while hiding her in the basement just like they did Joe in 2020.
Kackles cannot even talk to the press because of her serious incompetence. She and the powers behind the democrat political machine are again going to have to let the lying leftist media run the campaign while hiding her in the basement just like they did Joe in 2020.

she isn't hiding in her basement, she is out campaigning. if anyone is hiding its trump. lol.

Vice President Kamala Harris and her newly announced running mate Tim Walz are barnstorming across battleground states this week after making their electric debut in Philadelphia on Tuesday night.

Harris and Walz – the presumptive Democratic presidential ticket – will next appear together in Phoenix, Arizona, on Friday and then Las Vegas, Nevada, on Saturday.

trump did one montana. "wow" lol

god you are stupid.
she isn't hiding in her basement, she is out campaigning. if anyone is hiding its trump. lol.

Vice President Kamala Harris and her newly announced running mate Tim Walz are barnstorming across battleground states this week after making their electric debut in Philadelphia on Tuesday night.

Harris and Walz – the presumptive Democratic presidential ticket – will next appear together in Phoenix, Arizona, on Friday and then Las Vegas, Nevada, on Saturday.
Trump speaks nearly daily for sometimes hours on the campaign trail. Kamala rarely speaks more that a few minutes at campaign stops and never answers questions from bi-partisan groups of reporters.
Trump speaks nearly daily for sometimes hours on the campaign trail. Kamala rarely speaks more that a few minutes at campaign stops and never answers questions from bi-partisan groups of reporters.
Trump is hiding. Why isn't he on the road? M9ntana? Lol coward

Only a mooor9n would say harris is hiding in her basement
God you are stupid lol
Trump is hiding. Why isn't he on the road? M9ntana? Lol coward

Only a mooor9n would say harris is hiding in her basement
God you are stupid lol
I've looked for any evidence of Kamala taking open questions from the media and I have found none since the democrats replaced Biden with her.
The democrats continue to try to fool Americans into falsely believing Kamala is performing common duties of candidates to engage with the press and the American people. Her campaign appearance in Detroit referenced above was not even close to a press briefing. It was a carefully crafted and controlled speech followed by select answers to specific soft-ball questions designed to give the appearance of a press briefing, which it most certainly was not. 8-7-24

Why Harris isn’t taking questions

The Harris camp is hoping to ride the wave as long as it can. So there is little worry about the candidate avoiding something else that has long been required of presidential nominees: taking questions from the press.

The long-recognized advice for those suffering from inabilities to communicate with others on higher planes of knowledge and intelligence:

"It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."
The democrats continue to try to fool Americans into falsely believing Kamala is performing common duties of candidates to engage with the press and the American people. Her campaign appearance in Detroit referenced above was not even close to a press briefing. It was a carefully crafted and controlled speech followed by select answers to specific soft-ball questions designed to give the appearance of a press briefing, which it most certainly was not. 8-7-24

Why Harris isn’t taking questions

The Harris camp is hoping to ride the wave as long as it can. So there is little worry about the candidate avoiding something else that has long been required of presidential nominees: taking questions from the press.

The long-recognized advice for those suffering from inabilities to communicate with others on higher planes of knowledge and intelligence:

"It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."
the link said she took questions. your link is out of date.
god you are stupid lol