Family and friends claim the would be Trump assassin is a non-violent Trump-hating democrat

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Is that supposed to be acceptable? Are democrats non violent honorable Americans who cannot be faulted for trying to murder Trump for threatening democracy? May God deliver us from far left insanity such as this. - News Alerts 9-15-24

Son of alleged would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh claims father hates ex-president but is ‘not a violent person’: ‘I don’t like Trump either’
Is that supposed to be acceptable? Are democrats non violent honorable Americans who cannot be faulted for trying to murder Trump for threatening democracy? May God deliver us from far left insanity such as this. - News Alerts 9-15-24

Son of alleged would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh claims father hates ex-president but is ‘not a violent person’: ‘I don’t like Trump either’
You mean, "may God deliver us from this like he delivered all the Armenians from the Turks, like he delivered all the Jews from Hitler". Like that?

What makes you think that God delivers anyone from harm?
Hating Trump doesn't make him a democrat
God you are stupid

The story does not say his family said he was a democrat
Lying moooron
Who cares what political ideology the deranged sinner may have attached himself to? He said himself that he wanted to stop Trump from destroying America, which idea he picked up from hateful democrat rebels, fascists, and anarchists.
That is a lie, all votes were properly verified. You are a delusional cultist.
No, millions of votes were never verified. Among those were bundles of ballots without their required chain-of-custody records, boxes of counted ballots that wewre flagged after their counting because they had the appearance of simply having been mimeographed, voting computer images were missing or destroyed, voting signatures were never verified, ballots with fake addresses were counted but never investigated, voting machine logs were tampered with or illegitimately removed, suspected illegal immigrant votes were counted but never investigated, ballots from possible double voting were counted but never investigated, eyewitness affdavit claims of election workers committing ballot stuffing and other forms of fraud were never investigated, and more.
We know and that's what all those 60 court challenges found. I promise we won't do it again.
Trump was right. Dozens of courts rejected fraud cases for legal reasons not related to the evidence of fraud and no court among the rash of early or premature voting fraud cases ever produced any proof that voting fraud evidence was invalid.