Explain how this works:

Nobody who is pleasing God commits voting fraud and lies about it.
In case that you have not noticed, the Biblical character "God" was not in favor of any sort of democracy. He was a royalist. No Hebrew leader, no Jewish judge, king or leader in the entire Bible was ever chosen by the people.
"God" did not do a thing to prevent the Holocaust or any war ever fought.
The only thing "God" did was to punish and threaten punishment.

If modern Americans laws has been in force in Israel or Judea, "God" would have been charged with abusive parenting and the people would have been taken away from him. Destroying the Tower of Babel and drowning all but eight humans was clearly horrible parenting.
There is no evidence that God actually pays any attention to people anywhere any longer.

Used to be, the Virgin Mary would be sighted about every five to seven years, usually by teenage girls in hick towns. But now everyone and their brother has a cellphone with a camera, and the sightings of the Virgin seems to have vanished. Or perhaps they have vanished from the news I get.
There is no evidence that God actually pays any attention to people anywhere any longer.

Used to be, the Virgin Mary would be sighted about every five to seven years, usually by teenage girls in hick towns. But now everyone and their brother has a cellphone with a camera, and the sightings of the Virgin seems to have vanished. Or perhaps they have vanished from the news I get.
I used to believe it until my stigmata healed.