Trump, Pompeo, some GOP politicians and right-wing media figures praise Putin and slam Biden

So anyone who believes that Trump is not a cheat and was not fined for being a cheat is an "enemy of God"?

You know nothing about spiritual health. It is ever so bloody obvious that you are not a spiritual doctor, assuming that such a thing exists.
No, liars are enemies of God. Thieves and looters are enemies of God. Voting crooks are enemies of God. Baby murderers are enemies of God. Hateful violent racists and cop haters are enemies of God. Sex perverts are enemies of God. Atheists are enemies of God. Muslims are enemies of God. And many more.
No one in American politics has ever lied as much as Trump. He therefore is among God's worst enemies.
He discussed how a member of his staff ratted him out should be executed.Trump is a vile and rapey piece of sh!t. God surely hates him. But you worship the sumbitch.
No one in American politics has ever lied as much as Trump. He therefore is among God's worst enemies.
He discussed how a member of his staff ratted him out should be executed.Trump is a vile and rapey piece of sh!t. God surely hates him. But you worship the sumbitch.
Believing Trump is to be despised because his enemies claim he lies all the time and believing Biden is to be admired and supported are examples of deranged delusions.
Trump is a hateful, vile bastard who hates over half of the people that live in our country.
He does not want to serve the people, he wants them to worship his shitty ass.
He quotes Hitler often and then claims that he did not know what Hitler said.
"Immigrants are poisoning the blood of America". WTF is that supposed to mean?
He should take his Glock and blow his empty head off on primetimeTV. It would benefit every American except for Trumps useless brats.

They can build a YUGE monument to him and prostrate themselves before it.
When he is dead, we will find out just how utterly awful he really was, how he betrayed our country to Putin.
Animosity towards God explains widespread devotion to Biden.
The "God" you are referring to does not exist. I merely explained why worshiping this myuthical critter is an effing waste of time.

And how is pointing out that Donald Shitzispants is somehow related to any god.

And yet you think Trump is some sort of deity. You are simply deluded and have been all your life.
The Biblical character called "God" is described as an egotistical narcissist who tends to be genocidal. He does not exist. It is possible that a deity might have created the Universe and then eased to exist. It is possible that such a creature might have wandered off to some other galaxy. The idea that an omniscient creature could also be omnipresent is illogical.

The existence of a deity is possible, the existence of the Biblical deity is far less probable.
This is a very large universe. We are a relatively small number of creatures on a rather small planet. How can it make sense that the entire universe was created only for such a small number of humans on a small planet? How does that even make sense?