Explain how this works:

The Magas loyally repeat what trump says regarding no wars etc. None have a clue how it operates or any other clues for that matter.
He was boasting about his power which he perceives to have. In fact, zelensky challenged him to stop it within 24 hours which he said he could do. Nothing yet of course.
Political views vary among tens of millions of Americans but those pundits who think they should silence the voices of conservatives and Christians are fascist savages.
Don't blindly believe any humans, especially humans who oppose God and Christians.
There is NO REASON to blindly believe that Trump could have somehow prevented Putin invading Ukraine or Hamas invading Israel.
There is NO REASON to believe that a 10% duty on imported items will not affect the retail price, as Trump claims.

The humans that blindly follow Trump are of two types: the incredibly stupid, and those who are fully aware of the many defects of Trump and believe that he can be manipulated for their purposes to do dumb crap like levy a 10% tariff on imports, deport 11 million people, end all abortions or give yuge tax breaks to fatcats like Musk and those of his ilk.

Mark seems to be one of the incredibly stupid faction. He thinks that Trump is somehow an agent of God Awmighty.
Political views vary among tens of millions of Americans but those pundits who think they should silence the voices of conservatives and Christians are fascist savages.
How is that relevant to the op?
The point here is Trump cannot do that but Christian nutters like you and Maga ratbags would believe anything he says.
Leftists think they should be in charge of indoctrinating everyone without interference from Christians whom they think have no right to speak in public on issues influenced by Christian convictions.
Godbotherers should have no input into any decision a govt should make.
Your beliefs are totally false. It's the same as you demanding the right to lie to people and little kids.
You and your religion should be banned from USA. Go to north Korea where idiots are in abundance.
I don't know whether or not Trump or Biden are Christians but I do admire Trump, unlike Biden, for supporting patriotic Christian American views and values.
When was he seen to openly support them? A few words with a photo op with his book of divine ripoff in front of a church was condescending, not supportive.
But to sycophants like you it was like Jesus speaking in person.
Godbotherers should have no input into any decision a govt should make.
Your beliefs are totally false. It's the same as you demanding the right to lie to people and little kids.
You and your religion should be banned from USA. Go to north Korea where idiots are in abundance.
America would be so much better off if atheists, communists, perverts, socialists, fascists, racists, and other assorted God-rejecting leftist savages did not have so much influence in our government.
When was he seen to openly support them? A few words with a photo op with his book of divine ripoff in front of a church was condescending, not supportive.
But to sycophants like you it was like Jesus speaking in person.
Hillary is something of a queen mother of all Trump-hating democrats and when she slandered Christians she was speaking for all democrats.

Read Hillary Clinton’s ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Remarks About Donald Trump Supporters​


Speaking at a fundraiser in New York City on Friday, Hillary Clinton said half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” views.
America would be so much better off if atheists, communists, perverts, socialists, fascists, racists, and other assorted God-rejecting leftist savages did not have so much influence in our government.
Every citizen should have ONE VOTE, regardless. You want to give extra votes to fundies, Trumplings and Trumpoids.
Hillary is something of a queen mother of all Trump-hating democrats and when she slandered Christians she was speaking for all democrats.

Read Hillary Clinton’s ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Remarks About Donald Trump Supporters​


Speaking at a fundraiser in New York City on Friday, Hillary Clinton said half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” views.
Stay on topic. We are talking about Trump. You are drawn to him not because he's a Christian but because he's a republican. Nothing else and you know it.
He could grab your wife's pussy and you'd still vote for him.
America would be so much better off if atheists, communists, perverts, socialists, fascists, racists, and other assorted God-rejecting leftist savages did not have so much influence in our government.
Well, in fact they dont but you believe they do.
If you want to talk about influence,you need to no further than the supreme court and proven crooked judges like cannon.

It's religion and racist which has divided USA and Trump exploited stupid idiots like you to the full extent.
Every citizen should have ONE VOTE, regardless. You want to give extra votes to fundies, Trumplings and Trumpoids.
Democrats were wrong to accept and count ballots without proper signatures, without proper addresses, without proper verification of legitimacy, without evidence of citizenship and so forth.
Democrats were wrong to accept and count ballots without proper signatures, without proper addresses, without proper verification of legitimacy, without evidence of citizenship and so forth.
The 2020 elections were the fairest elections held in recent memory. Trump lied about winning, the sumbitch KNOWS he lost and lost big. Trump is a disgrace to our country. He is a CONVICTED CRIMINAL and needs to be locked up in prison.
The 2020 elections were the fairest elections held in recent memory. Trump lied about winning, the sumbitch KNOWS he lost and lost big. Trump is a disgrace to our country. He is a CONVICTED CRIMINAL and needs to be locked up in prison.
That is a lie. The 2020 election was stolen by the biggest election fraud in history
Democrats were wrong to accept and count ballots without proper signatures, without proper addresses, without proper verification of legitimacy, without evidence of citizenship and so forth.
Nooooo. Don't tell us they are at it again. If they all loved god it would be different.