Explain how this works:


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2024
Trump claims that Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if he had been president. He also claims that somehow his presence would have prevented the Hamas vs. Israel war.

Are we to assume that Putin was AFRAID of Trump, a man who he managed to bamboozle into claiming that Russia had no reason for him to believe it was interfering in the US elections?

Are we to assume that Putin was such a close personal pal of Trump's that he would have resisted his plan for restoring the Russian Empire out of friendship?

Are we to assume that Trump would have given Netanyahu advice that would have prevented Hamas from attempting to invade Israel?
Is there any way that Trump, who speaks neither Hebrew nor Arabic and does not read the intel briefs that he is given, would somehow know more about Israel's defense people and Netanyahu than they do about their own country?

What are the odds that Trump knows more about Hamas than Israeli intelligence? He is the dude that thought that Finland was still part of Russia and Nepal was part of India.

Explain how there is any reason to believe Trump's lies.
But how does Trump and his henchmen explain how he cold have prevented either war?

How could Trump have prevented Putin from abandoning his plans to restore the Russian Empire? That is Putin's lifetime goal, even more that Trump's lifetime goal of being paid to play golf and pretend to be important.

How could Trump have made Netanyahu more effective defender of his own borders?
How could Trump have caused Hamas to abandon their plans to invade Israel?

Can Trump make Netanyahu smarter? Can Trump scare Putin? Can Trump scare Hamas?

Trump claims that he can put a 10% tariff on all imports and that this would not result in consumers having to pay more for the foreign made products.

How do the sissies and pantywastes in this forum that support Trump answer these questions?

(speaking of panty wastes, heh, heh)
But how does Trump and his henchmen explain how he cold have prevented either war?
Same way as always; lie.
How could Trump have prevented Putin from abandoning his plans to restore the Russian Empire? That is Putin's lifetime goal, even more that Trump's lifetime goal of being paid to play golf and pretend to be important.
Trump is Putin’s UI. He doesn’t cause Putin to do anything or prevent him from doing anything.
How could Trump have made Netanyahu more effective defender of his own borders?
How could Trump have caused Hamas to abandon their plans to invade Israel?
Trump applauds Netanyahu’s war crimes.
Can Trump make Netanyahu smarter?
Netanyahu’s intelligence isn’t the issue. His far right, fascist/abhorrent actions are.
Can Trump scare Putin?
🤣 You must be kidding.
Can Trump scare Hamas?
See above.
Trump claims that he can put a 10% tariff on all imports and that this would not result in consumers having to pay more for the foreign made products.
Trump claims a lot of purely idiotic/false things. His idiotic notion that the importer pays tariffs is just one of many.
How do the sissies and pantywastes in this forum that support Trump answer these questions?
By regurgitating whatever crap their orange Jesus says.
But how does Trump and his henchmen explain how he cold have prevented either war?

How could Trump have prevented Putin from abandoning his plans to restore the Russian Empire? That is Putin's lifetime goal, even more that Trump's lifetime goal of being paid to play golf and pretend to be important.

How could Trump have made Netanyahu more effective defender of his own borders?
How could Trump have caused Hamas to abandon their plans to invade Israel?

Can Trump make Netanyahu smarter? Can Trump scare Putin? Can Trump scare Hamas?

Trump claims that he can put a 10% tariff on all imports and that this would not result in consumers having to pay more for the foreign made products.

How do the sissies and pantywastes in this forum that support Trump answer these questions?

(speaking of panty wastes, heh, heh)
aa soon as you explain how joe biden was going to cure cancer untie America and hunter is the smartest man he knows.
your really desperate you can see the writing on the wall . its funny watching all of you squirm
Trump claims that Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if he had been president. He also claims that somehow his presence would have prevented the Hamas vs. Israel war.

Are we to assume that Putin was AFRAID of Trump, a man who he managed to bamboozle into claiming that Russia had no reason for him to believe it was interfering in the US elections?

Are we to assume that Putin was such a close personal pal of Trump's that he would have resisted his plan for restoring the Russian Empire out of friendship?

Are we to assume that Trump would have given Netanyahu advice that would have prevented Hamas from attempting to invade Israel?
Is there any way that Trump, who speaks neither Hebrew nor Arabic and does not read the intel briefs that he is given, would somehow know more about Israel's defense people and Netanyahu than they do about their own country?

What are the odds that Trump knows more about Hamas than Israeli intelligence? He is the dude that thought that Finland was still part of Russia and Nepal was part of India.

Explain how there is any reason to believe Trump's lies.
Zero wars started under Trump, so accept it already
Trump claims that Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if he had been president. He also claims that somehow his presence would have prevented the Hamas vs. Israel war.

Are we to assume that Putin was AFRAID of Trump, a man who he managed to bamboozle into claiming that Russia had no reason for him to believe it was interfering in the US elections?

Are we to assume that Putin was such a close personal pal of Trump's that he would have resisted his plan for restoring the Russian Empire out of friendship?

Are we to assume that Trump would have given Netanyahu advice that would have prevented Hamas from attempting to invade Israel?
Is there any way that Trump, who speaks neither Hebrew nor Arabic and does not read the intel briefs that he is given, would somehow know more about Israel's defense people and Netanyahu than they do about their own country?

What are the odds that Trump knows more about Hamas than Israeli intelligence? He is the dude that thought that Finland was still part of Russia and Nepal was part of India.

Explain how there is any reason to believe Trump's lies.
Don't blindly believe any humans, especially humans who oppose God and Christians.
aa soon as you explain how joe biden was going to cure cancer untie America and hunter is the smartest man he knows.
your really desperate you can see the writing on the wall . its funny watching all of you squirm
As a matter of routine?

Where’s Mexico’s check for the wall?

Where’s the beautiful new healthcare plan that will replace Obamacare?

Where’s the promised cap on insulin out of pocket cost?

Where’re all the promised (clean) coal jobs?

What happened to eliminating the national debt?

What happened to being too busy to take vacations/play golf?

Etc, etc, etc, etc …..

Trump’s Broken Promises Are Hurting American Families​

Don't blindly believe any humans, especially humans who oppose God and Christians.
So Trump is a Christian? Why si it impossible to find a single photo of Trump worshiping in any Christian church.
Trump had three wives and cheated on each and every one of them. He BRAGGED about grabbing women by their pussies. He chuckled about he OWNED the Miss Teen America Pageant and he could just barge in and ogle all the naked teenage girls.
He was on Epstein's private plane to Punanitown many a time.
Trump has declared that he was an atheist, and that gave him a business advantage because he could ignore moral codes.
As a matter of routine?
View attachment 15124

Where’s Mexico’s check for the wall?

Where’s the beautiful new healthcare plan that will replace Obamacare?

Where’s the promised cap on insulin out of pocket cost?

Where’re all the promised (clean) coal jobs?

What happened to eliminating the national debt?

What happened to being too busy to take vacations/play golf?

Etc, etc, etc, etc …..

Trump’s Broken Promises Are Hurting American Families​

Among the most notable falsehoods of President Biden’s first 100 days in office was his claim — which he made three times — that Georgia’s controversial Republican-backed election law had shortened voting hours.

The claim was one of two uttered by Biden to earn the Fact Checker’s “Four Pinocchio” rating, reserved for whoppers — the other being his wildly off-base statement, borrowed from the campaign, that federal contracts “awarded directly to foreign companies” rose by 30 percent under President Donald Trump.

He spun that if Congress passed his infrastructure plan, “the economy” would create 19 million additional jobs; only 2.7 million of those jobs could be attributed to the proposal itself. He asserted that as vice president he helped craft an $800 billion strategy to help Central America; it was $750 million

Going back to Biden’s old fact-checks is a bit of a time warp. In 2008, during the primary, he took a shot at the future president he’d serve alongside, saying "Barack Obama hasn't passed any" bills in the Senate. (Rating: False.)

Biden also had a variety of attacks against John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee. Showing that politics is always changing, McCain’s widow Cindy recently endorsed Biden over fellow Republican Donald Trump.

A 2009 fact-check of Biden is eerily prescient for the coronavirus era: "When one person sneezes, it goes all the way through the aircraft." That one earned a Pants on Fire, based on assertions by scientists and published papers that sneeze particles might travel a couple of rows but not up and down the entire plane.

Biden’s first attack on Trump came in August 2016, when he said Trump "is going to go out and carpet bomb" the Middle East. That rated False; it was actually Trump’s primary opponent, Ted Cruz, who had said something similar.

Some of Biden’s highest-rated statements have come from accurately portraying his own record. He said, "I’m one of the first guys to introduce a climate change bill, way, way back in ‘87," and "I never called for a partition" of Iraq, both of which earned a True rating. He earned a Mostly True for saying, "I entered as one of the poorest men in Congress, left one of the poorest men in government, in Congress and as vice president."

More substantive statements have also earned the rating of Mostly True, such as "More cops have died from COVID this year than have been killed on patrol," "Trump lost a trade war that he started," and "We’re no longer the wealthiest middle class in the world."

A sizable chunk of the statements where Biden received a negative rating seem to have been made off the cuff.

Recently, Biden said that "a Black man invented the light bulb, not a white guy named Edison," which inflated the role of another inventor and earned a Mostly False.

When Biden said after the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg that "there's no court session between now and the end of this election," that was easily disproved by the high court’s own website. We rated it False.

Biden earned a False when he said, "Military COVID infected: 118,984. Military COVID deaths: 6,114." His campaign said he misread the numbers for Michigan, not the military.

He also said that "you weren't allowed to own a cannon during the Revolutionary War as an individual." We talked to experts who said that wasn’t the case.

In other cases, Biden earned a False rating for more substantive exaggerations. He said, "If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people. I'm not making this up. Just look at the data." Experts agreed that no president would have been able to save every American life from the coronavirus.

Biden was also incorrect to say he was the first person to call for invoking the Defense Production Act to fight the coronavirus; we found multiple Democrats who urged that course before he did.

Early in the pandemic, Biden earned a False for saying that because the Federal Reserve had recently cut interest rates to near 0%, "the Fed will be of little consequence now. They’ve already used what leverage they have." Experts told us there were other levers that the Fed could use to protect the economy.

And Biden went too far in criticizing the Trump administration’s immigration policies, saying the Obama administration "didn't lock people up in cages." Under Obama, that did happen at times, though not as extensively as would later happen under Trump
So Trump is a Christian? Why si it impossible to find a single photo of Trump worshiping in any Christian church.
Trump had three wives and cheated on each and every one of them. He BRAGGED about grabbing women by their pussies. He chuckled about he OWNED the Miss Teen America Pageant and he could just barge in and ogle all the naked teenage girls.
He was on Epstein's private plane to Punanitown many a time.
Trump has declared that he was an atheist, and that gave him a business advantage because he could ignore moral codes.
Have you never grabbed a pussy are you gay. he was a Epstein's plane but he also kicked him out of mar largo for hitting on a minor and gave evidence . why don'tScreenshot_20240718-141145.webp you explain this
Trump claims that Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if he had been president. He also claims that somehow his presence would have prevented the Hamas vs. Israel war.

Are we to assume that Putin was AFRAID of Trump, a man who he managed to bamboozle into claiming that Russia had no reason for him to believe it was interfering in the US elections?

Are we to assume that Putin was such a close personal pal of Trump's that he would have resisted his plan for restoring the Russian Empire out of friendship?

Are we to assume that Trump would have given Netanyahu advice that would have prevented Hamas from attempting to invade Israel?
Is there any way that Trump, who speaks neither Hebrew nor Arabic and does not read the intel briefs that he is given, would somehow know more about Israel's defense people and Netanyahu than they do about their own country?

What are the odds that Trump knows more about Hamas than Israeli intelligence? He is the dude that thought that Finland was still part of Russia and Nepal was part of India.

Explain how there is any reason to believe Trump's lies.
The Magas loyally repeat what trump says regarding no wars etc. None have a clue how it operates or any other clues for that matter.
He was boasting about his power which he perceives to have. In fact, zelensky challenged him to stop it within 24 hours which he said he could do. Nothing yet of course.
The Magas loyally repeat what trump says regarding no wars etc. None have a clue how it operates or any other clues for that matter.
He was boasting about his power which he perceives to have. In fact, zelensky challenged him to stop it within 24 hours which he said he could do. Nothing yet of course.
just like joe would cure cancer and unite America.
So Trump is a Christian? Why si it impossible to find a single photo of Trump worshiping in any Christian church.
Trump had three wives and cheated on each and every one of them. He BRAGGED about grabbing women by their pussies. He chuckled about he OWNED the Miss Teen America Pageant and he could just barge in and ogle all the naked teenage girls.
He was on Epstein's private plane to Punanitown many a time.
Trump has declared that he was an atheist, and that gave him a business advantage because he could ignore moral codes.
I don't know whether or not Trump or Biden are Christians but I do admire Trump, unlike Biden, for supporting patriotic Christian American views and values.
Fuck off mark. You and your god shit are becoming very boring. Who do you think you are?
Why do you even post anything?
Leftists think they should be in charge of indoctrinating everyone without interference from Christians whom they think have no right to speak in public on issues influenced by Christian convictions.