Election 2012--Simplified and Made Easy

And yet that little doufus Georgieboy of ABC News and BJ Bubba's former gopher, claims there is no bias....and I am betting our pot loving moderator believes him as do many libs and dems. Georgie said this three days ago...

Stephanopoulos: No Liberal Bias In Media


What ? A bias liberal MSM agent claiming there is no bias in the MSM! Funny he walked away when asked again.

As obvious as georgieboy's "real" answer was by walking away it sure is "typical" that our brainless liberal friends take his first response to the question as the gospel truth. No further inquiry required.

Liberals ..... Go Figure!
First, do you believe the MSM has a liberal bias? If you do not, we are wasting time because you obviously are clueless.

It has been proven time and again that members of the MSM overwhelming vote D...something akin to African Americans...probably higher.

If you were paying attention a few years ago, there were few conservative voices in the national media until Rush came along in 1988, Fox News, and the internet. Now we have many conservative voices thank God. But, these conservative voices go unheard by most Ds and libs who still get their news from the old lib media.

I would say that the lib MSM knows most Ds are communists. Most Rs are progressives, but the lib MSM wants communism now. So this is why they much prefer Ds and of course, there are a few Rs who are actually conservative (not one D is conservative). Nothing is more HATED by the lib MSM and leftists in general, than a conservative.

If radical leftists, some of whom occupy high office, had their way, conservatives would be imprisoned or executed. Murdering and imprisoning is just a natural thing to a leftist. The history of the 20th century proves me right as does the continuing black listing of conservatives in many of our institutions....like Hollywood, academia, network news, publishing, etc..............................................funny how libs condemn McCarthyism, but have been doing the same thing for decades.

You've convinced me that the media, with the exception of Fox and rant radio, has a bias toward Democrats. Now, the 64 dollar question: Is the Democratic Party really more "liberal" than the Republican party? Which party really stands for individual liberty? I personally think that neither one does. Neither one is really "Communist" or "radical leftist", either, not according to any definition of the term most of us would accept, that is.

Is the Patriot Act liberal, or conservative? How about indefinite detention without trial? asset forfeiture? Is leaving the decision of abortion up to the individual, rather than the government, really "conservative"?

To me, conservatism is all about getting the government out of our lives. None of the above accomplishes that. Your definitions are obviously quite different.
Assuming you're correct about media bias, why do you think they favor the Democrats over the liberal Republicans? Is it just blind partisanship?

in a word, yes. did you see that George Stephanopolous (sp?) stated that there is no bias ?
blind is the best way to describe it.
When the toilet is finally flushed--and all the shit the came in with the Clintons is swirled down the toilet pipe, past the water trap (including 'Steppadopolous')--America can begin the biggest Recovery ever.
The end of the communo-democrat partei.

And the drug cartels, foreign governments and Soros who funded them.

and the NYT owner doesn't think so either but that may be limited to his fish wrapper.

kind of hard to take people like this seriously. there are none so blind as those will will not see.

It is a bias toward the Democrats if you see them as the "liberal" party and the Republicans as the "conservative" party. It all depends on your definitions of the terms.
When the toilet is finally flushed--and all the shit the came in with the Clintons is swirled down the toilet pipe, past the water trap (including 'Steppadopolous')--America can begin the biggest Recovery ever.
The end of the communo-democrat partei.

And the drug cartels, foreign governments and Soros who funded them.

biggest ever ? won't be that easy considering the state of the rest of the world and the public school's inability to gin up the sort of workforce we had in years past. and so dern much regulation to unwind I don't think we'll be setting records. of course all this is predicated on the elephants picking up the senate along with the white house.
Why are we even discussing this liberal non-sense ....
Reid was clearly elected by fraudulent voting from the SEIU and the like there of ...
But, it may not stop the take over of the Senate this year.
Why are we even discussing this liberal non-sense ....
Reid was clearly elected by fraudulent voting from the SEIU and the like there of ...
But, it may not stop the take over of the Senate this year.

Huh? that's what I said. If the Senate doesn't go to the Republicans, that means Reid would more than likely retain the leadership position, and nothing would get done.
Huh? that's what I said. If the Senate doesn't go to the Republicans, that means Reid would more than likely retain the leadership position, and nothing would get done.

the issue is that he will lose control of his caucus. its a shakey hold as it is. count on those guys to insure they keep their seats.. Harry doesnt care as he wont run again but the rest do.