Whew! Time went by fast. What has happened since is classic textbook coverup. Obama's paid crew have issued a battery of allegations of criminal acts to discredit Larry Sinclair. The campaign has used positions in government to attempt to render him penniless and helpless to defend himself, and there are threats of physical violence against him and his supporters. There is a tome of harassing emails from the paid Obama smear crew spewing filthy language that is not fit to be in print. It is all there, folks. What Not To Do If Someone Knows Something About You - 101.
The Main Stream Media has taken a huge shopping spree, buying up everything offered in the Obama Cover-up Store! They have bought into the lies and smears, lock, stock and barrell, without looking into the facts, without asking a single question, or showing a modicum of respect to an American, Larry Sinclair, who bravely asked that the truth be told. The Main Stream Media is as guilty as Obama when it comes to the cover-up of this story! Shame on them!