democrats claim trumps shooting was faked

It seems many shooting deniers have quietly backed away from their initial stupid assessment of the assissination attempt.

who are these "shooting deniers"? name some. lol.
of course, titles like "democrats blah blah blah" is misleading unless its a large group of them.
but you love lying and being misleading.
who are these "shooting deniers"? name some. lol.
of course, titles like "democrats blah blah blah" is misleading unless its a large group of them.
but you love lying and being misleading.
Perhaps you never heard one of Obama/Biden's government officials try to discredit the bullet wound evidence but I have.
so you can't name a single person who denies the assassination attempt. lol.
god you are stupid
I cannot fact check every news source you believe and every news source you deny. You will have to do your own research just like I do and like so many other patriotic Americans do who know the American airwaves are inundated with fake news stories and lies.
I cannot fact check every news source you believe and every news source you deny. You will have to do your own research just like I do and like so many other patriotic Americans do who know the American airwaves are inundated with fake news stories and lies.
Can't name a single one lol
God you are stupid lol
Can't name a single one lol
God you are stupid lol

Trump rejects FBI director’s claim, says ear injury was caused by bullet​

'No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard,' Trump says​

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday sharply responded to FBI Director Christopher Wray's recent comments about his injury, saying that he was struck by a bullet during the July 13 assassination attempt.
Trump's response came after Wray's testimony before Congress suggested there was uncertainty over whether Trump was hit by a bullet or shrapnel.

Trump rejects FBI director’s claim, says ear injury was caused by bullet​

'No, it was, unfortunately, a bullet that hit my ear, and hit it hard,' Trump says​

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday sharply responded to FBI Director Christopher Wray's recent comments about his injury, saying that he was struck by a bullet during the July 13 assassination attempt.
Trump's response came after Wray's testimony before Congress suggested there was uncertainty over whether Trump was hit by a bullet or shrapnel.
Not denying the assassination itself
God you are stupid lol
Not denying the assassination itself
God you are stupid lol
The corrupt Trump-hating, Biden-loving, -caressing, and -protecting Justice Department heads are obstructing justice in the assassination attempt. Every real investigator knows that the principle parties in such a major crime as the assassination attempt needs to interview all witnesses, all parties, and all officials involved without interference from government officials possibly involved in the attempt and definitely hindering the investigation of the attempted assassination.
The corrupt Trump-hating, Biden-loving, -caressing, and -protecting Justice Department heads are obstructing justice in the assassination attempt. Every real investigator knows that the principle parties in such a major crime as the assassination attempt needs to interview all witnesses, all parties, and all officials involved without interference from government officials possibly involved in the attempt and definitely hindering the investigation of the attempted assassination.
Can't name one lol
God you are stupid lol
Can't name one lol
God you are stupid lol
We need an independent investigator appointed by non-democrats to investigate this crime with power to prevent obstructions of officials to the thorough independent research of the serious crime.
We need an independent investigator appointed by non-democrats to investigate this crime with power to prevent obstructions of officials to the thorough independent research of the serious crime.
Can't name a single one
God you are stupid lol
Can't name a single one
God you are stupid lol
The public does notn know the name of the secret service agent in charge of the botched security arrangements because the left is hiding her from real investigators. To hell with the dishonest and corrupt crowd, we need an real investigator looking at all the records the corrupt officials are hiding from the public so we can find out what really happened and why.
The public does notn know the name of the secret service agent in charge of the botched security arrangements because the left is hiding her from real investigators. To hell with the dishonest and corrupt crowd, we need an real investigator looking at all the records the corrupt officials are hiding from the public so we can find out what really happened and why.

you cant name a single assassination denier.
god you are such a right wing Bs liar. lol.
god hates when you lie.
you are antiamerican with your hateful lies
The FBI seems to be obsessed with discovering the motive of Crook for shooting Trump. But it is really quite simple: Crook intended to die. The odds of actually surviving the attempted shooting of a presidential candidate are very, very slim, especially if the shooter is a sniper. The only way that John Hinckley managed to survive was that it was a close up attack and he was grabbed and subdued almost immediately. Plus, he had expensive and influential legal counseling.

The other thing that any assassin can count on is notoriety. No matter how much the press might decide to suppress the assassin's name, it will be know by anyone who even tries a teensy bit to inform himself.

It is probably useful to investigate whether there were any co conspirators, but other than that, the motives seem clear: (1) make a name for yourself and (2) suicide by cop.