giggles is using fake news

You aren't worried that convicted felon Trump is obsessed with imaginary people? Lol
But no obviously that's not all i got, as most makes clear
Reading isn't a core skill of yours obviously lol
Democrats framed Trump for breaking laws he did not break while falsely presenting democrats who did break laws but were 'forgiven of their sins' by leftist DOJ crooks as sinless geniuses with the best plans for America going forward into full blown socialism and communism.
Isis is an Islamic group that wants to govern Iraq and Syria. It has no interest in Mexico, it has no desire to invade the US.
Trump's border wall has been in place since Biden took office, and allegedly MILLONS have found it to be far less than secure.
You make no sense.
Democrats 'fought like hell' to prevent Trump from building a border wall, and democrats are still lying about the border that their 'border czar' has never been to or addressed with any meaningful proposals to end the massive illegal immigration crisis.
Harris was used for the tied votes! Can’t vote for joy or nice! That will not pay the bills! Politics and hypocrisy!

Vice President Kamala Harris (D) has cast 33tie-breaking votes in the Senate:
• December 5, 2023:
• The Senate voted 50-50 to invoke cloture on the nomination of Loren L. AliKhan to be United States District Judge for the District of Columbia. Harris broke the tie to invoke cloture. This was Harris' 32nd tie-breaking vote, the most tie-breaking votes ever cast by a vice president.[2]
• The Senate voted 50-50 on the nomination of Loren L. AliKhan to be United States District Judge for the District of Columbia. Harris broke the tie to approve the nomination.[3]
• July 12, 2023: The Senate voted 50-50 to invoke cloture on the nomination of Kalpana Kotagal to be a member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Harris broke the tie to invoke cloture.[4]
• June 21, 2023: The Senate voted 50-50 to invoke cloture on the nomination of Natasha C. Merle to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York. Harris broke the tie to invoke cloture.[5]
• March 1, 2023: The Senate voted 48-48 on the nomination of Margaret R. Guzman to be United States District Judge for the District of Massachusetts. Harris broke the tie to approve the nomination.[6]
• February 28, 2023:
• The Senate voted 48-48 on the nomination of Araceli Martinez-Olguin to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of California. Harris broke the tie to approve the nomination.[7]
• The Senate voted 48-48 to invoke cloture on the nomination of Margaret R. Guzman to be United States District Judge for the District of Massachusetts. Harris broke the tie to invoke cloture on the nomination.[8]
• August 7, 2022:
• The Senate voted 50-50 to pass the Inflation Reduction Act. Harris broke the tie to pass the bill.[9]
• The Senate voted 50-50 to pass an amendment to the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Harris broke the tie to affirm the amendment.
• August 6, 2022: The Senate voted 50-50 on a motion to proceed with debate on the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Harris broke the tie to affirm the motion.[10]
• May 12, 2022: The Senate voted 50-50 to discharge the nomination of Mary T. Boyle to be a Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Harris broke the tie to support the motion.[11]
• May 11, 2022:
• The Senate voted 50-50 to invoke cloture on and to confirm Alvaro M. Bedoya to be a Federal Trade Commissioner. Harris broke the tie to support the motion and cast a second tie-breaking vote to confirm Bedoya.[12][13]
• The Senate voted 50-50 to invoke cloture on and to confirm Julia Ruth Gordon to be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Harris broke the tie to support the motion and cast a second tie-breaking vote to confirm Gordon.[14][15]
• May 10, 2022: The Senate voted 50-50 to confirm Lisa Cook to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. Harris broke the tie to support the confirmation.[16]
• April 5, 2022: The Senate voted 50-50 to discharge the nomination of Julia Ruth Gordon to be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Harris broke the tie to support the motion.[17]
• March 30, 2022: The Senate voted 50-50 to discharge the nomination of Alvaro M. Bedoya to be a Federal Trade Commissioner from the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Harris broke the tie to support the motion.[18]
• December 8, 2021: The Senate voted 50-50 to invoke cloture on and to confirm the nomination of Rachel S. Rollins for U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. Harris broke the tie to support the motion and cast a second tie-breaking vote to confirm Rollins.[19][20]
• November 17, 2021: The Senate voted 50-50 invoke cloture on the nomination of Brain Eddie Nelson for Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Crimes. Harris broke the tie to support the motion.[21]
• November 3, 2021: The Senate voted 49-49 to invoke cloture on the nomination of Jennifer Sung to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Harris broke the tie to support the motion.[22]
• October 20, 2021: The Senate voted 50-50 to invoke cloture on and to confirm the nomination of Catherine Elizabeth Lhamon for assistant secretary for civil rights of the Department of Education. Harris broke the tie to support the motion and cast a second tie-breaking vote to confirm Lhamon.[23]
• September 30, 2021: The Senate voted 50-50 to invoke cloture on the nomination of Rohit Chopra for director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Harris broke the tie to support the motion.[24]
• July 21, 2021: The Senate voted 50-50 to confirm Jennifer Abruzzo as general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board. Harris broke the tie to confirm Abruzzo.[25]
• July 20, 2021: The Senate voted 50-50 to invoke cloture on the nomination of Jennifer Abruzzo for general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board. Harris broke the tie to support the motion.[26]
• June 22, 2021: The Senate voted 50-50 to confirm Kiran Ahuja as director of the Office of Personnel Management. Harris broke the tie to confirm Ahuja.[27]
• June 22, 2021: The Senate voted 50-50 to invoke cloture on the nomination of Kiran Ahuja for director of the Office of Personnel Management. Harris broke the tie to support the motion.[27]
• April 21, 2021: The Senate voted 50-50 on a motion to discharge the nomination of Colin Kahl for under secretary of defense for policy. Harris broke the tie to support the motion.[28]
• March 4, 2021: The Senate voted 50-50 on a motion to proceed with debate on the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Harris broke the tie to affirm the motion.[29]
• February 5, 2021: The Senate voted 50-50 to adopt a budget resolution relating to COVID-19 economic relief. Harris broke the tie to adopt the resolution.[30]
• February 5, 2021: The Senate voted 50-50 to adopt an amendment proposed by Sen. Chuck Schumer on the budget resolution. Harris broke the tie to adopt the amendment.[31]
Democrats 'fought like hell' to prevent Trump from building a border wall, and democrats are still lying about the border that their 'border czar' has never been to or addressed with any meaningful proposals to end the massive illegal immigration crisis.

Biden stated, Harris always the last person in the room! Well that is her VP position and duties for America! She was the deciding votes, last person in the room! This is what this VP has done!

Ok! Be well sir! Isis is affiliated with the Taliban that joined in after the Afghanistan withdrawal. They are all against America. If you think that people cannot get into a processing system to contaminate millions, you are sadly mistaken. Our country is not protected!

The US does not need protection against the Afghani Taliban invading our country.
What contaminated you?
Dr Mengele, perhaps?
The US does not need protection against the Afghani Taliban invading our country.
What contaminated you?
Dr Mengele, perhaps?
No one as of yet! Americans are contaminated against one another. Look at Chicago right now. If that’s how you want America to look like, vote Harris. Taliban and Isis are the least of anyone’s worries when Americans act like that. It’s a disgrace! Good luck tinker bell! Watch the fake DNC tonight! A disgrace and hypocrisy! As I watch some of this, so disgraceful!

They do not have one sign of Harris/Walz in that center. lol! More surprises no doubt!
Bye tinker bell! Fly away!