democrats claim trumps shooting was faked

you cant name a single assassination denier.
god you are such a right wing Bs liar. lol.
god hates when you lie.
you are antiamerican with your hateful lies
Leftist in Biden's government are blocking investigations into the shooting just as they blocked investigations into the FBI's dishonesty in lying to FISA courts to obtain illegal authorization to spy on Trump in the worse-than-Watergate corrupt election interference. Let's appoint a special prosecutor to gather evidence the department heads seem to be having great difficulty collecting according to their lack of answers in House inquiries.
The FBI seems to be obsessed with discovering the motive of Crook for shooting Trump. But it is really quite simple: Crook intended to die. The odds of actually surviving the attempted shooting of a presidential candidate are very, very slim, especially if the shooter is a sniper. The only way that John Hinckley managed to survive was that it was a close up attack and he was grabbed and subdued almost immediately. Plus, he had expensive and influential legal counseling.

The other thing that any assassin can count on is notoriety. No matter how much the press might decide to suppress the assassin's name, it will be know by anyone who even tries a teensy bit to inform himself.

It is probably useful to investigate whether there were any co conspirators, but other than that, the motives seem clear: (1) make a name for yourself and (2) suicide by cop.
We need honest investigators conducting proper investigations to determine whether the failures of government security that day were due to incompetence alone or whether there were also more serious involvements of others. Assuming nobody else was involved and then refusing to conduct acceptable investigations to make sure that is the case is itself incompetent or worse.
Trump was concerned with his appearance, of course, but he was also against wearing the mask because it smeared the gobs of make up that he routinely wears 24/7 when he put on and took off the mask.
Really? Trump was concerned about his appearance? Does that mean Kamala and 90% of all other politicians are not concerned about their appearances? I agree that politicians like Jerry Nadler and Maxine Waters show possibilities of not being concerned about appearances. Is being concerned about appearances evil for all politicians or just for Trump because he is accused of allegedly thinking more about appearances than allegedly thinking about other things?
But in a r
did not say you did
In a reverse situation where Biden ear would be grazed Trump would have certainly claimed it was fake. Right?

Has there ever been a court ruling against Trump in which he did not accuse the judge the jury the prosecutor the doj Biden himself of prejudice and questioned their integrity their race their heritage?

Are you guys not enough self aware to realize that most of your positions/claims are just plain projection?
Really? Trump was concerned about his appearance? Does that mean Kamala and 90% of all other politicians are not concerned about their appearances? I agree that politicians like Jerry Nadler and Maxine Waters show possibilities of not being concerned about appearances. Is being concerned about appearances evil for all politicians or just for Trump because he is accused of allegedly thinking more about appearances than allegedly thinking about other things?
Not quite.

Waters and baffled are simply not very attractive.

The dem senator from pa seems not to worry about his appearance.

Trump is obsessed about his appearance. Who believes that

Do you for example really believe that Trump is 6 3 and 215?

Who else claims he had been on the cover of time magazine? The guy is a narcissistic liar. He cannot help himself. He claimed many of his friends died on 9/11. Yet never showed up in a single funeral and his claim cannot be confirmed and he did not name a single person.
But In a reverse situation where Biden ear would be grazed Trump would have certainly claimed it was fake. Right?
OHHH. The 'surely Trump would have lied more' defense of leftist lies?
Has there ever been a court ruling against Trump in which he did not accuse the judge the jury the prosecutor the doj Biden himself of prejudice and questioned their integrity their race their heritage?
Trump has never claimed the courts and judges were biased and courrupt in cases that were conducted by non-biased courts and judges.
Are you guys not enough self aware to realize that most of your positions/claims are just plain projection?
Political bias drives many of the opinions expressed on both sides in political debates.
Not quite.

Waters and baffled are simply not very attractive.

The dem senator from pa seems not to worry about his appearance.

Trump is obsessed about his appearance. Who believes that

Do you for example really believe that Trump is 6 3 and 215?

Who else claims he had been on the cover of time magazine? The guy is a narcissistic liar. He cannot help himself. He claimed many of his friends died on 9/11. Yet never showed up in a single funeral and his claim cannot be confirmed and he did not name a single person.
What is with all the leftist focus on appearances? People are different. That is not sinful.
Christians, even real ones, are not freedom loving.

Your writings, however, are neither Christian or freedom loving.
John 8

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

33 They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.

36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Leftist in Biden's government are blocking investigations into the shooting just as they blocked investigations into the FBI's dishonesty in lying to FISA courts to obtain illegal authorization to spy on Trump in the worse-than-Watergate corrupt election interference. Let's appoint a special prosecutor to gather evidence the department heads seem to be having great difficulty collecting according to their lack of answers in House inquiries.
You can't name a single person who denies there was an assassination attempt I enjoy making you look stupid although in fact you make yourself look stupid LOL
John 8

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

33 They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.

36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

This is an imaginary dialogue that almost certainly never took place, with Jesus making a statement and an entire group of people answering him unanimously. That is NOT how humans have ever communicated.

A religion that claims that it is the only valid belief and that all other beliefs are invalid is not an indicator of freedom. You must follow me or you will be punished with fire and brimstone.
Free to do what? Free only to do as I say?