Convicted Felon donald trump

You claim there was no fraud but you cannot prove that because that is a lie.
Again. I don't have to prove there was no fraud. You made the claim so you prove there was.
You never made any such claim when Trump won. Suddenly he's beaten and massive fraud appears. How coincidental. Piss off.
You are right. Democrats have learned well the lessons from their mentors Saul Alinsky and Al Capone. Stack Congress and the courts with leftists and then do whatever the hell ypou want without fear of consequences. That is how democrats unjustly impeached Trump and illegally convicted him on bogus charges. Democrats are dismantling the US justice system and leftists are delighted because they are corrupt and stupid. 5-20-24

US Senate cements all-Democratic appointed bench on 1st Circuit
Love it. Fuck the republicans.
Focusing on President Trump's alleged flaws is like straining at a gnat while ignoring Biden's dangerous policies and crimes is like swallowing a camel.
I'd love to see the evidence of Biden's crimes but we've been down that dry gully before.
Swallowing a camel for me would be easier than you swallowing your pride and admitting defeat.