democrats claim trumps shooting was faked

Out of tens of millions of democrats no doubt some do
But your title is misleading of course
why not

everything else about this train wreck is fake

comrade stalin
victorious in the donbass
Yes SOME say it, duh

So you agree that "Republicans molest children" is not misleading because SOME do, correct? Duh
Republicans are serial killers too because SOME are lol
Your just butt hurt again because I posted the truth that illegals like joe and fear if hes not elected they will be cut off. I would be willing to guess that 90 percent or more fell that way and you know its true.
You want to nit pick and be a asshole because you hate the truth and are butt hurt over it .
Your just butt hurt again because I posted the truth that illegals like joe and fear if hes not elected they will be cut off. I would be willing to guess that 90 percent or more fell that way and you know its true.
You want to nit pick and be a asshole because you hate the truth and are butt hurt over it .
I know no such thing lying ****** lol
God you are stupid

And Republicans are child molesters,nyou agree its true lol

I question the 1 in 3 poll but I have no doubt many do feel this way. After all they blame trump for everything they can . poo-eating-fly-smiley-emoticon[1].gif..........bullshit-bs-smiley-emoticon[1].gif

lol your desperate butt hurt and suffering from trump derangement syndrome and a really bad case of being a narcissistic liberal numb nut butt hole.
Nope just substituting words to show you how stupid you are lol

If democrats claim it was faked is true according to your version of logic, then Republicans molest kids is also true according to ytor version of logic duh

The logic is that simple
But you are so stupid youbcant figure thatbout
Nope just substituting words to show you how stupid you are lol

If democrats claim it was faked is true according to your version of logic, then Republicans molest kids is also true according to ytor version of logic duh

The logic is that simple
But you are so stupid youbcant figure thatbout
lol there you go again denying the cant help but hate the fact they do.