Convicted Felon donald trump

You said nothing about his criminal history, his drug abuse, his resisting arrest, or his immoral hatred of cops, all factors contributing to his unfortunate death.
He was not executed for any of that, so why should he?
I would say that his hatred of cops was 100% rational.
I'm very proud of him to keep his word. He has exposed what a criminal arsehole Trump is. I hope he wins a congress seat.
Of course the Soros-backed commie leftist kept his word. 'If you elect me I will assemble all the best Trump-hating prosecutors in the country and we will find some way by hook or crook to jail Trump or die tryin.'
He was not executed for any of that, so why should he?
I would say that his hatred of cops was 100% rational.
He was not executed. He died from health issues while being restrained for resisting arrest. The cop was falsely accused of executing Floyd in a racist rage, which was a damnable lie.
He was not executed. He died from health issues while being restrained for resisting arrest. The cop was falsely accused of executing Floyd in a racist rage, which was a damnable lie.
He was murdered by cops while everyone watched. he did not deserve to be murdered. You appear to be some sort of racist prick.
He was murdered by cops while everyone watched. he did not deserve to be murdered. You appear to be some sort of racist prick.
The wicked and degenerate do not understand truth and justice. Contrary to unjust bias and ignorance, O.J. did murder two white people, George Zimmerman did not murder Trayvon Martin, Darren Wilson did not murder Michael Brown, and Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd.
Of course the Soros-backed commie leftist kept his word. 'If you elect me I will assemble all the best Trump-hating prosecutors in the country and we will find some way by hook or crook to jail Trump or die tryin.'
Commie lol
You enjoy looking stupid lol
The wicked and degenerate do not understand truth and justice. Contrary to unjust bias and ignorance, O.J. did murder two white people, George Zimmerman did not murder Trayvon Martin, Darren Wilson did not murder Michael Brown, and Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd.
12-member jury found Chauvin guilty of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. It was the first conviction of a white police officer in Minnesota for the murder of a black person.

You are so stupid lol
12-member jury found Chauvin guilty of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. It was the first conviction of a white police officer in Minnesota for the murder of a black person.

You are so stupid lol
12 member juries of white democrats in past American history put countless innocent black men in prison because so many 12 member juries were composed of men and women with biased or racist bad judgment. Even more sensible observers admitted that it would be better for Chauvin to go to jail for something he did not do than to have to deal with riots from the tribal barbarians who have a history of committing out-of-control violence and destruction if things do not go their way.
Why would any woman want him anywhere but jail.
What would you do if he grabbed your pussy?
Vote for him?

The reason the impeachment of Joe failed because they had no evidence. You got none either. Your hate and bile would be better in the shithouse.
you know Kary can be a name for either a male or female.