Convicted Felon donald trump

Ungodly sinners tend to hate the good and love the bad. Floyd was resisting arrest and was being restrained legally and correctly when he died of health issues related to his years of drug abuse. Cop haters are wicked.
Firstly, he did not resist arrest but in fact was in the ground with cuffs on but the murderer would take his knee off. Choking a man to death is NOT RESTRAINING HIM LEGALLY and the judge said so.

Secondly, the judge and the autopsy never found he died of health issues. He was choked to death. He was in reasonable health prior to being arrested so don't give me that shit he suddenly died of issues immediately getting arrested.

Thirdly, the copper is in jail for murder. Does that tell you anything you racist dickhead.
Never explained???
Prosecutors examined the case years before the Soros-backed, Trump-hating Bragg was chosen by democrat money to go after Trump long after those former prosecutors had found no crime had been committed. After the statue of limitations expired Bragg resurrected the non-crime and magically transformed it into a felony charge he had no legal jurisdiction for bringing.

Democrats in NY elected Hillary who was from Arkansas but who knew she would be a shoo-in in Boss Tweed's old leftist democrat corrupt election wards, and democrats believe they can use crooked justice officials in NY to rig the 2024 national election in their favor by illegitimate state court action.

There is much debate about the legitimacy of the biased charges against Trump but there is no doubt the Democrats broke federal campaign laws by paying crooks and spies to create a fake dossier to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and associates in order to rig the 2016 election and afterward to seditiously undermine the government of the legitimately elected President Trump. The democrats were guilty as hell but there were no armies of crooked prosecutors and bent judges seeking to jail them for dozens of years for the seditious crime they pled guilty to in court.
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Prosecutors examined the case years before the Soros-backed, Trump-hating Bragg was chosen by democrat money to go after Trump and those former prosecutors found no crime had been committed.
No they didn't and you cannot prove that. Bragg was hesitant to take it until he read all the evidence then he went for him.

After the statue of limitations expired Bragg resurrected the non-crime and magically transformed it into a felony charge he had no legal jurisdiction for bringing.
He had every legal right to do it or it would never have got to the court. If that's the case Trump's lawyers weren't worth a glass of warm phlegm which is why Trump lost.
Democrats in NY elected Hillary who was from Arkansas but who knew she would be a shoo-in in Boss Tweed's old leftist democrat corrupt election wards, and democrats believe they can use crooked justice officials in NY to rig the 2024 national election in their favor by illegitimate state court action.
Boss tweed dies many years ago. The people of new York make their own decisions like the repigs make there's. You barking up the wrong tree idiot.

Any old Democrat fault you can find is rehashed just in case it might win one vote and you get a warm inner glow. Why don't you go back even further and see if the Indians had their tents stolen by democrats.
Why would any woman want him anywhere but jail.
What would you do if he grabbed your pussy?
Vote for him?

The reason the impeachment of Joe failed because they had no evidence. You got none either. Your hate and bile would be better in the shithouse.
There are many women who want Trump in jail.


Looking at who has been going to prison the last 8 years, it's republican thugs by far
The party of law and order is full of crooks lol
Democrats are riding high on years of victories over their enemies, jailing their innopcent opponents and routinely dismissing without justification charges against democrats for crimes they committed with no fear of repercussion.

Money won't change the minds of people who th8nk convicted felons shouldn't be president
Unlike republican cultists they have princo
Dummies who are fooled into believing Trump committed a crime for which he was not prosecuted earlier but for which he deserves more than 100 years behind bars for allegedly committing as curiously but unjustly and dishonestly repurposed into a felony by career leftist Trump-hating and American conservative-despising democrat prosecutors would never vote for President Trump anyway.
Firstly, he did not resist arrest but in fact was in the ground with cuffs on but the murderer would take his knee off. Choking a man to death is NOT RESTRAINING HIM LEGALLY and the judge said so.
No, he resisted arrest before he was on the ground and restrained for still fighting the arrest.
Secondly, the judge and the autopsy never found he died of health issues. He was choked to death. He was in reasonable health prior to being arrested so don't give me that shit he suddenly died of issues immediately getting arrested.
Wrong. I condemn all the ignorant racists whose racist hatred and ignorance pushed for the cop to be jailed for choking Floyd to death when Floyd was not choked to death.

Medical examiner concludes George Floyd didn’t die of asphyxia
Thirdly, the copper is in jail for murder. Does that tell you anything you racist dickhead.
Don't give me that. You are the last person I would expect to hear claim that there are no miscarriages of justice where innocent people were convicted and imprisoned out of racist hatred, not out of unbiased righteous judgment and justice.
No they didn't and you cannot prove that. Bragg was hesitant to take it until he read all the evidence then he went for him.

For prosecutor Bragg, Trump indictment is campaign promise kept

For prosecutor Bragg, Trump indictment is campaign promise kept
I'm very proud of him to keep his word. He has exposed what a criminal arsehole Trump is. I hope he wins a congress seat.
No, he resisted arrest before he was on the ground and restrained for still fighting the arrest.

Wrong. I condemn all the ignorant racists whose racist hatred and ignorance pushed for the cop to be jailed for choking Floyd to death when Floyd was not choked to death.

Medical examiner concludes George Floyd didn’t die of asphyxia

Don't give me that. You are the last person I would expect to hear claim that there are no miscarriages of justice where innocent people were convicted and imprisoned out of racist hatred, not out of unbiased righteous judgment and justice.

No, he resisted arrest before he was on the ground and restrained for still fighting the arrest.

Wrong. I condemn all the ignorant racists whose racist hatred and ignorance pushed for the cop to be jailed for choking Floyd to death when Floyd was not choked to death.

Medical examiner concludes George Floyd didn’t die of asphyxia

Don't give me that. You are the last person I would expect to hear claim that there are no miscarriages of justice where innocent people were convicted and imprisoned out of racist hatred, not out of unbiased righteous judgment and justice.
If it wasn't strangling, why was Chauvin convicted of murder? Does that register with you?
If course he killed him.
The democrats falsely claimed Floyd was abused by cops but that is a lie consistent with the race-baiting propaganda narratives the democrats have been using as degenerate campaign benefits to their side for years. Democrats have a long history of lying, cheating, corruption, violence and murder to seize of maintain their grip on illegitimate power.
The cops were convicted, legal *****
God you are stupid lol