Convicted Felon donald trump

I made sure i had the right site and this morning contributed to President Trump's campaign. Family members did the same.

over 70 million now and it will continue.

If anyone else is inclined to donate i will gladly send you the location and suggestions for doing so. :smiley20:
I made sure i had the right site and this morning contributed to President Trump's campaign. Family members did the same.

over 70 million now and it will continue.

If anyone else is inclined to donate i will gladly send you the location and suggestions for doing so. :smiley20:

will your contribution help make him a mature, intelligent person? i hope so but doubt it very much.
A bent jury found President Trump guilty of some vague crime nobody ever explained in court.
Never explained???
What were you watching?

The bent judge essentially told the jury they did not have to link President Trump to a defined crime
Bullshyt. Why would the any judge say that.
You're completely mad.

because they could just declare him guilty and they could rest afterward knowing their houses will probably not be burned down by leftist rioters.

Oh really. If there's any violence it will be from Maga cultists. They are already threatening violence in numerous sites.
Bring it on baby. Make my day.
Hopefully it will put him in the whitehouse and many democrats in the Big House.
Why would any woman want him anywhere but jail.
What would you do if he grabbed your pussy?
Vote for him?

The reason the impeachment of Joe failed because they had no evidence. You got none either. Your hate and bile would be better in the shithouse.
Hopefully it will put him in the whitehouse and many democrats in the Big House.
Looking at who has been going to prison the last 8 years, it's republican thugs by far
The party of law and order is full of crooks lol
They respected the fact he was murdered by a racist copper and is in jail for it.
Ungodly sinners tend to hate the good and love the bad. Floyd was resisting arrest and was being restrained legally and correctly when he died of health issues related to his years of drug abuse. Cop haters are wicked.
He was murdered and is a symbol of police brutality and racism
That is why he is being remembered mor9n duh

Unlike Republicans who want to elect a felon as president in a disgusting anti American display
The democrats falsely claimed Floyd was abused by cops but that is a lie consistent with the race-baiting propaganda narratives the democrats have been using as degenerate campaign benefits to their side for years. Democrats have a long history of lying, cheating, corruption, violence and murder to seize of maintain their grip on illegitimate power.
George Floyd was murdered for attempting to pass an allegedly counterfeit $20 bill.
No one was harmed because congress people paid their respects to his unjust death.
You said nothing about his criminal history, his drug abuse, his resisting arrest, or his immoral hatred of cops, all factors contributing to his unfortunate death.