By my count, you've used the word failure twice, plus failed and failing once each to describe Clinton's economic efforts. So, by your measure, Clinton '93 efforts were all failures, you give him no credit at all for the strong economy of the 1990's Why then don't the experts agree with you? Why then, don't the American people agree with you? He left office with the highest approval rating of any 2 term president. Was the booming economy during his presidency just a coincidence? You know what, I've come to the conclusion that, inside, you know Clinton was a successful president. Publicly however, you're just too proud to admit it.
If you state a goal, or goals, institute a plan to achieve them and the plan does not achieve them, then, by definition, you have failed. If good happens anyway, then the good has happened in spite of you, not because of you.
And it isn't that I simply won't give clinton credit for the economy. If I knew what he did, then I would have a basis upon which to give him credit. I do give him credit for more or less staying out of the way of the economy and letting it run, but that is hardly "handling" the economy.
As to why experts give him credit. I have already listed greenspan's historical revisions which require him to credit clinton without actually being able to list what clinton did. Greenspan was heavily involved in the 93 budget deal with clinton and actions taken on his advice failed and rather than simply admit the facts, he, like clinton, wants to be remembered in a positive light.
As to clinton's numbers. It is clear that he remained popular because of the economy and as you clearly demonstrate, most americans don't have much of a grasp of the economy. If it is good, they give the guy in the whitehouse credit and if it is bad, they blame him. You, like a very large number of americans give him credit because it was good but just like every american who gives him credit, you are quite unable to say what exactly it was that he did to make it good. You give him credit for creating vast numbers of jobs but can't say how he did it. You give him credit for low numbers of teen pregnancies but can't say what he did to achieve that. You give him credit for keeping the skies blue and the ocean salty but can't say how he did that either.
If you can say what he did to achieve all that you give him credit for and can defend the actions and demonstrate how they had a positiive impact on the economy and created the conditions that existed, then you have an argument that I, in all likelyhood, won't be able to defeat. You don't have any such argument, however. You are agreeing with a man who has his own motives for rewriting history for his own benefit. He states that the 93 budget deal was courageous, but doesn't mention that it failed to achieve its stated goals and he doesn't say at all, exactly what else it was that clinton did to create, or maintain the economy as it existed.
Now maybe you are willing to give credit where it really isn't due because you like the guy or maybe you are disposed to believe a man now who most democrats called the devil before his book came out praising clinton, or maybe you just didn't realise that the 93 budget failed to achieve its stated goals and were unaware that clinton didn't, in fact, handle the economy at all but are too invested in the myth that he did to admit that you simply can't say what he did but won't admit that you are wrong either. In either case, or in any case that I might have overlooked, unless you can state what he did and what that action's effect was on the economy, you don't have an argument and deriding me, simply isn't a substitute for being able to state clearly what he did to create the economy. You were very eager to step up and give him credit which suggested that you could say what he did. Clearly you can't and have exposed yourself as no more than a cheer leader on the sidelines saying hooray for our side with no inkling of how the game on the field is being played.