"I'm number 4 !" BH Obama

You cry about affirmative action...how about nepotism? Obama got where he was not based on his skin ..Bush on the other hand got where is got, only due to his dad.

there is no proof of this as he has chosen to not allow it to be aired. there are few other explinations how a self admitted slacker at Occidental transfers to Columbia.
Ok, Enjoy the Taliban run Afganistan, the war on Iraq going forever, and a Living Bin Ladin. And I hope all those Arabs enjoy there murdering dictators,...after all just because they are people does not mean they should have rights or freedom, unless its helpful to what you want.

Joe Biden just told us that the Taliban are not our enemy, another sign we are content with them.
Lets see what happens in Iraq.
Lets note whats not happening elsewhere around the muslim lands.
Joe Biden just told us that the Taliban are not our enemy, another sign we are content with them.
Lets see what happens in Iraq.
Lets note whats not happening elsewhere around the muslim lands.
Of course the Taliban is not our enemy. Our enemies are Constitutionalist, Conservatives, Patriots and TEA Party members. They are the new terrorist who can now be arrested and held indefinitely as an enemy combatants.

The most arrogant president ever...and that is saying a lot when you consider the arrogance of The Dupe FDR and BJ Bubba.